< Concealed >

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Viper came back, looking at her friends that were laughing continuously, and they didn't even notice her existence. She decided to leave without them knowing. 'Not like they would care.'

The agents enjoyed their food happily, then chatting afterwards. Jett was having a hard time resisting Reyna's touch. The two lovebirds attracted the other two's attention and they watched them flirting with each other.

After dinner, all of them walked back to the headquarters since they are close to it. They still had no idea where Viper went and didn't care so much either.

It was 9 pm, the agents had went to sleep but Jett was sitting on the couch, looking at the night sky. Viper had not returned yet.

After a few hours, Jett walked towards the kitchen, tired but hungry. She took out a ramen cup but she couldn't reach it. 'why do I have to be so short.'She thought, irritated that she couldn't take it. But then, she was lifted up by someone.

She turned her head back, it was Sova. She managed to take the ramen cup and was lifted down.

-"Thanks." She whispered, because it was midnight. She poured hot water into the cup and sat on the counter.
-"Why are you up so late?" The hunter asked, grabbing a can of beer from the fridge.

-"Uh, I am kind of hungry so I couldn't sleep." She mumbled, playing with her fingers. The hunter chuckled and opened his drink. -"I heard from Brimstone that you and Reyna are kind of you know.. Bonding?"

The duelist's face immediately turned light pink, but it was too dark for Sova to see it. -"Hey, did you know that Viper have a crush on Reyna?" The wind girl jumped from his words. She looked at him and questioned it in her heart. 'Are you being for real?'

The Russian nodded as he reads her mind. She was shocked, but not angry. -"Can you tell me more?" She was surprised by the fact that the scientist was in love with Reyna eventhough she literally yelled at her and made her cry.

-"Well, she is pretty sad, looking at you two flirting and just hanging out. Her time with Reyna and reducing since you're her new duo and things are not going well for her."

Jett instantly felt guilty but she just listened to Sova as he told her everythung.

-"Wow.. I didn't know." She looked out at the night sky, as she was apologizing to Viper for being mean to her. She finished her food, then went back to her own room.

Laying on her cyan coloured bed, she closed her eyes, putting herself to rest and leave all the thinking for tomorrow.


-"Jett!" Knocks appeared on the door, as the wind girl spreaded out the blanket, sitting up. She ruffled her hair, looking at the nerd that already opened the door.

-"It's 7 in the morning, killjoy!" She yelled in irritation, then covered herself in the quilt again. But then, she jumped on the wind girl's bed and opened the blanket. The duelist groaned and sat up forcefully.

-"Get up, we have to do some training for your next mission!" Jett hummed in reply and swiftly eliminated the annoying german out of her room. Then, she was getting prepared for a nice morning jog.

-" *yawn* oh.. why so early.." She complained, getting her stuff and leaving her messy room. Everyone is already awake, making her embarrassed.

But after a while, she realized all the agents were kind of panicking, and employed. She didn't really want to ask them what was happening, so she slowly strolled herself to the exit.

But eventually, Phoenix came up and stopped her. -"Do you know where was Viper?" He questioned, with his clothes covered in sweat. She scoffed, and just left a quick response, -"She was out with us to eat dinner last night.", Then left.

Little did she know, Viper was missing. Killjoy was waiting outside for her, for the healthy run.

-"Hey, I have been waiting for you for ages!" The duelist ignored and started running steadily into the correct direction. The nerd soon catches up behind her, panting heavily while she does so.

-"So, about you and Reyna, y-" The wind girl gave Killjoy a death glare, piercing through her soul. She tilted her head down and continue running with the angry wind girl.


After the tiring run, Jett went back to her room, cleaning up the mess she had created.

Reyna suddenly appeared at the door, like every single day. But this time, she was looking a bit mad and exasperated. Jett looked at her in confusion.

-"Baby are you alright? Is something wrong?" She walked forwards and reached out her hand to hold her. But the angry vampire pushed her hand away and stood in front of her. She crossed her arms, looking straight into her blue eyes.

-"Umm.. Did I do something wrong..?" She was super worried but she didn't know what she did wrong. Trying to think, but the vampire bought her back to what's happening. -"Viper texted me. You like Raze don't you?!" Zyanya exclaimed in frustration. She had an idea that Jett actually likes that grenade girl but wanted to play with her feelings, but that thought was a bit too soon.

-"What the fuck? Not that girl!" She laughed out loud, clapping her hands as she does so. But Reyna doesn't seem happy at all. The duelist quickly turned herself into serious mode and cleared her throat. -"Well, why do you believe everything Viper says?" She stared at her, while she tries to think of a reasonable answer. -"Oh, you like her isn't it?" The vampire widened her eyes and quickly denied. But the wind girl slowly became annoyed of her. -"How funny, Viper likes you too! So go on and believe her, then never talk to me again! How about that?!" She yelled, her voice echoed through the halls. Of course, the other agents probably heard them.

-"What the fuck?! I'm supposed to be mad at you. Why did she say you like Raze and you're playing me?!" The wind girl stomped her feet in extreme anger and gripped her own shirt. -"It's because she loves you, isn't that clear enough?! If you trust her instead of me, then leave! I can be in love with Raze since everything Viper said was true." -"Who said I believe Viper more than you?! Look, you and Raze were constantly talking and sometimes, I felt like it was flirting. So, Viper wasn't very wrong either? Fine, if you want me to hang out with Viper, okay, alright, I'll go."

Tears rolled down the wind girls cheek while she bit her lip in anger. The vampire was feeling a bit guilty but she didn't care. She then left Jett behind, searching for the 'kind' girl she trusts.


1153 words

・Addictive Touch 🖤 // A VALORANT Fanfiction // Reyna X Jett //  ・Lesbian ・Yuri・Where stories live. Discover now