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(In the last chapter I forgot to mention but when they saw goateye it was their shade goateye is still dead)

wait- is that- quirrel?

HOLY SHIT IT'S QUIRREL! As nice as this is I was hoping to stay pretty low profile. Eh whatever it's quirrel he's not exactly a huge threat. He kinda stared at me for a minute obviously confused- I mean I am a vessel and this must be really weird for him to see on his probably average walk. I had no clue what to do so I, like a dumbass, stared back for like 5 minutes before he started talking, seemingly unsure.

"Hold on I'll bring you to your parents small one, come with me."

He grabs my hand and I comply, it could be interesting to see whatever the hell he's gonna bring me to and I have a LOT of time to kill, I'm dead it's not like I have anything more interesting to do. It seems like he's trying to take me to somewhere, maybe monomon or the pale fork, I don't see him being able to barge into the white palace and demand to see the king so I'm assuming it's the first option.

It's weird to see him without his nail and monomon's mask. Looking around we're passing some general shopping area and heading towards a residential area, that's odd but I'm sure that there's a reason. After all I have no clue what time it is and based off of the fact that so many people were leaving the white palace area I'd say that it's either early in the morning or late at night. 

It would make more sense if it was night though. After all that many people leaving must signal some kind of shift change. And it would make sense to bump into quirrel if he was heading  home or something. When we make it to the front door of presumably his house he fumbles with his keys before unlocking the door and bringing me in.

Looking around it's a decent enough place, a bit small but it's the bug version of a city apartment so I didn't expect much. It's simple with a small kitchen looking area and a bed in the corner along with a desk and a few cabinet looking things, there's a lot of windows and shelves on the wall and holy shit does this dude have books. well they look like books but like stone- weird bug books I guess. he drops his satchel? Bag? Whatever it is he drops it.

I watch him look around for a minute before just putting a pillow on the floor and gesturing for me to sit on it. At least he wasn't gonna make me sit on the plain floor- or stand but that would be kinda awkward. He headed to his desk and started writing, probably something to monomon? 

No that doesn't make sense unless it's like the weekend here or something and he's off work? Do they have weekends in hallownest??? I don't have any fucking clue all I know is that I'm bored and tired. Looking to the kitchen and back to quirrel he seems to be much more focused on the letter than anything I'm doing. Surprisingly quietly I sneak into the kitchen, taking out a small thing of crackers.

How the fuck am I supposed to eat??? I try putting some to the bottom of my mask unsuccessfully, after awhile of trying I put it under my mask and feel a weird mouth open up before an extremely quiet blending sound is heard from it, well shit. That's not good, what's he even gonna do, how is he gonna react???

 I turn around to see quirrel watching in a mix of curiosity, intrigue, and horror. He stares at me for a sec before muttering something about adding that to the letter and going back to writing. Poor guy seems tired, speaking of tired I'm absolutely exhausted. I sit down on the pillow, not the most uncomfortable but not quite pleasant either. Eh,  beggars can't be choosers and it's not like I haven't been sleeping on rocks for the past few weeks. Looking at the wall across from me as I fall asleep I see a clock that I didn't notice before it looks like it says 1:00am,

 no wonder I'm so tired.


(A/N HELLO YET AGAIN READERS I turned out to have pnemonia so that's fun, I will still be posting if not more because of this due to now having more time for the next few days. Don't expect this to las as I have to catch up on the missing work from as of late. I loved writing this and I'm very happy with how the plot is progressing. I would have gotten this out earlier if it weren't for my doc appointment today so, sorry about that. Have a good day/night y'all)

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