33 - hard and fast

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I said I wouldn't let anyone hurt Lina anymore, and I didn't follow through with that

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I said I wouldn't let anyone hurt Lina anymore, and I didn't follow through with that.

What a shitty thing to do.

But now? Now I'm really not gonna let anyone touch her. As long as I'm breathing, I'm gonna protect that girl with my damn life.

That's why, after we left the motel a couple days ago, I've been sneaking into her room, willing for that asshole to try and make a move.

Truth be told, when Brooks invited me over to hang out, I smiled like a damn fool when I saw the cuts on Roy's face. Well deserved, I wanted to say. But I knew I couldn't. So I just smiled. Because I knew the real reason behind them.

But right now, Avrey insisted we all hang out and get something to eat after school. And per usual, Brooks and Lina were bickering back and forth of where to go.

"But we can just eat at the mall, Brooks." Lina whines. "We need to go dress shopping, anyway."

"Oh, no no. You guys aren't suckering us," Brooks motions between him and I. "To sit around for hours while you try on dresses."

"Didn't you sucker me in to picking out a tux for, like, hours?"

Brooks looks at me, wide eyed, like I just admitted a big, fat secret. Lina just grins, crossing her arms.

"Is that so?"

Brooks sighs, looking back to Lina. Defeated. "Fine. But can we at least stop at that really good Thai place right beside it before we're tortured for hours?"

"Oh!" Avrey nods. "Yes. Come on, Lina. My treat?" She grins, wrapping her arm around Lina.

Was it weird I felt a little jealous?

Lina rolls her eyes, smiling at her best friend. "Fine, sure."

"Yay!" She exclaims, pulling Lina off towards her car.

Brooks just looks at me. "Some friend."

I chuckle. "Dude, maybe next time tell me that your sister isn't supposed to know something like that."

"Now she's gonna hold that over my head forever." Brooks whines before unlocking his car and climbing in.

I shake my head, getting into my own car. Since we all drove to school, we'd have to follow each other up to the more classier city, that has all the nice shopping centers and restaurants. It's a thirty minute drive and honestly, it felt ten times longer knowing Lina was in the car in front of me and not beside me.

I got it bad and I'm not even ashamed.

I just want to be around her all the time, making her laugh and smile. All she deserves is happiness.

Once the torturous half hour was over, the restaurant comes into view. Pulling into the parking lot, I let the girls take the space closest to the door. I pull into a spot furthest away, and Brooks finds one on the opposite side of the girls.

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