31 - it was inevitable

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"Do I look as big of a tool as I feel?"

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"Do I look as big of a tool as I feel?"

Brooks asked, looking at me.

I snort, shaking my head. "Probably ten times more."

Brooks smiles, pulling the tie from his neck and throwing it on the bed. He readjusts his button up, pressing the jacket down.

"How about now?"

"You look beautiful, princess." I say, voice dripping sarcasm. "Can we be done now?"

"You might have your own opinions against prom, but I'm actually excited, so don't be such a damn buzzkill, yeah?"

I can't help but smile a little.

Brooks had asked for my help picking out a tux for prom. We've been in this damn store for almost two hours because he can't decide on what looks best on him.

He's freakishly excited for prom.

"You sound like all those damn girls running up and down the halls, blabbering about how special prom is and all that garbage." I lean back, shrugging. "Could've sworn I came shopping with Lina or some shit."

"You're annoying, have I ever told you that?"

I grin. "Aw. But I'm the bestest friend you'll ever have, right?"

Brooks smiles, shaking his head. He turns around and locks himself in the dressing room, so I pull out my phone. I quickly respond to a message from my mom, asking if I'd be back for dinner tonight.

Then, his highness finally steps out, holding the first fucking suit he tried on.

"That's the first one you put on when we got here."

"Your point?"

"Why did you waste so much time if you were gonna pick that one anyway?"

"I didn't until I did."

Brooks grins as he makes his way to the register. I swear, half the time I have no idea what he's even saying.

Once he pays for his tux, we walk out of the store. I climb in, starting my ignition as he carefully puts his suit in the back. When we're on the road, I look over at him.

"Did you even ask someone to that stupid dance yet?"

"Nope," he sighs, looking out of the window. "Been keeping my options open."

"You have a million girls who'd love to go with you. It can't be that hard."

"So would you, if you'd actually go."

Sure, maybe that's true. But the only one I'd want to go with me is Lina. And I can't exactly say that.

"Why do you wanna go to this thing so bad?"

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