9 - almost

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Five minutes into this movie, I can see how uncomfortable Lina is.

Well, I could see how uncomfortable she already was with me here: stiff shoulders, closed-off attitude. But now? She literally couldn't sit still; she kept shifting beside me, crossing and uncrossing her legs, propping her leg up then down.

I almost felt bad for putting her through this. Almost.

At a jump scare I saw coming a mile away, Lina jumped back. She put her hand over her heart, trying to breathe.

I lean in. "It's just a movie, sunshine."

"Fuck that, and you," she breathlessly whispers, not moving her eyes off the screen.

Sometimes, she drove me insane. She left me this morning. I should be the one pissed at her, not her at me.

Hell, I am pissed at her for that.

Rain was pouring; it suddenly started coming down hard when I was on my way over here, and I could hear it hitting against the windows behind us. Lightning filled the sky, thunder grumbling afterwards, making a statement.

I loved storms. What I really wanted was to go sit outside under a balcony and just listen to the rain fall, feel the cool breeze. See the lightning strike through the sky.

It truly is my favorite part of a storm, watching it.

But I can't help but admit, watching Lina squirm is a close second.

When the demon starts to actually take possession of the guy, getting ready to kill the annoying shithead, Lina shakes her head and shoots up.

"I need a drink," she breathes as she rushes off to the kitchen.

I try to actually focus back on the movie, but that lasted all of seven seconds before I looked around, seeing that the other two were so engrossed with the movie, I'd be able to move without them noticing.

So I covertly slid off the couch and quietly rounded the corner to the kitchen. Lina was gripping the edge of the sink, looking like she was trying to control her breathing.

I stand close enough behind her to lowly say, "having trouble there?"

She whips around, eyes narrowing as they meet mine.

"No, actually. I'm fine."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't care what you believe."

"Seemed to care before you suddenly decided to run off like Cinder-fucking-ella."

Her brows slowly raise up. "Is that what this is about?" She scoffs. "Your wounded ego because I went home?" She shakes her head. "Fucking grow up, West.

I felt anger flare through me. She's instigating me on purpose, and I wasn't sure why.

"Maybe you shouldn't have fucking brought me in the middle of it, then."

Thunder rolled, practically shaking the house. But nothing mattered right now other than the rage in Lina's eyes.

"Maybe you shouldn't have fucking stayed!"

"You fucking stayed with me," I growl, stepping closer to her. "You asked me to stay, and I did because I...because I," I falter.

Why did I?

"Because why, Hayden?" She says through clenched teeth, tilting her chin up. "To have something humiliating to hold over me? Well, you fucking have it. Congratulations."

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