8 - go wrong

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Avrey didn't believe me at all when I said that Collin just wasn't my type, that there was nothing there.

I may have fibbed; told her that I went home with him and came back after she was already asleep. The second half of it wasn't a total lie, though.

I had gotten back while she was asleep...just way later than I expected to be. And not because I was with Collin, but because I was with Hayden.

I couldn't believe I had asked him to stay, to lie next to me in bed. I wasn't even thinking, I just blurted out words that came to my mind.

I realized the gravity of my mistake when I woke up with Hayden too close for comfort on the bed, his head almost nestled on my chest, and my heart racing at the fact.

I had also realized I didn't have a bad fucking dream with him there.

But that's besides the point.

With Avrey on my case, it was nearly impossible to get out of anything with her this weekend—which is why we're going out for a pizza date before another party.

I wasn't thrilled about the idea of going, but I'd do it for her.

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me?" Avrey rips a piece of her pizza and plops it into her mouth.

"I'm not sure how many times I have to tell you," I scoff a laugh. "Maybe tell you in a different language?"

Avrey laughs. "No, no. Just...I dunno, Nana. I feel like there's much more to the story you're not telling me."

I lift a shoulder. "You guys and your nicknames, I swear."

"Come on," Avrey smiles. "Nana has been a tradition since we were kids."

I barely laugh; it wasn't the fact that Nana bothered me. It was the fact that I thought about Hayden and that stupid freaking sunshine nickname he gave me. I couldn't stand it.

And I also couldn't stand that I was giving him any more of my precious time.

He's not worth my thoughts.

"Enough about me," I grab another slice of pizza. "Your life is much more interesting."

She snorts. "Where?"

"Everywhere!" I motion to her whole body. "The whole life of Avrey is so exciting, tell me about what's been going on."

"In what span of time, you crazy woman. I always keep you up to date on my life."

At that, we both start to laugh.

"I dunno," I breathe in. "I feel like we've been too focused on me and not you."

"Guess what Lina," Avrey leans forward. "That's what friendship is: putting the other person first."

I roll my eyes, but appreciate her sentiment. She rips off another piece and chews on it, the lightness of the situation dancing in her eyes.

"I love your crazy ass." I grin.

"And I love yours." She smiles back.

We finish eating what's on our plates, so we get the rest of the pizza boxed up to take with us and finished our drinks. As we walk out towards her car, the cool late January air surrounds us. I pause at the passenger side door and look at her.

"What?" She furrows her brows together.

"I'm just not feeling in the party mood today. You can go and—"

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