Matters of Discourse.

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Part 2, Chapter 10, Matters of Discourse.

I collected myself and made my way back to the bed. I figured before I went into whatever mess this was I might as well get some rest.

And considering it was later in the night, well it was much needed.

I changed in the bathroom and then made my way to bed, making sure to set an alarm for 6 am, tragically the government waits for no man. Well, probably a man, but no woman likely.

I slept for as long as my body would let me, which of course means I woke up an hour before the alarm even went off.
Damned internal alarm clock.

I got up and prepared myself for whatever could and would come next. I wasn't prepared.

Then again, could I ever be? I was walking into a situation where I had no control but the bounds that I set.

Which meant choosing information to give sure, but everything has an equal and opposite reaction.

So what would be the reaction to me avoiding questions and staying silent? What would be the reaction to my demands?

None could guess the actions of others, and groups made it harder. Much much harder.

But I could be precise and careful. I wasn't going to back down. But that didn't mean I had to be a bitch too.

I looked around the room. It was an oddly surreal experience. Of which I had no clue why, I mean I guess it was cool to change stuff.
But it was weird t care about what was happening.

I looked at the clock and realized that I wasted close to an hour of my time. Perfect.

I was quickly escorted to another building, and I quickly learned that it was all just so I could wait more.

Whatever process and tradition followed for opening these meetings around a circular table happened. Not that I cared much. It seemed that no one else in the room did either.

We all were too focused on what could or should be said, and what would follow it.

Soon after all the speeches and menial talks the conversation shifted.

"We are here to discuss what to do about the Geyr threat, and we have Ms. Darren here to bring forth some information that she learned," One guy said.
He gestured to me slightly and I shared what I thought was important either way.

"But, you must keep in mind you are all politicians. I've been working on war efforts for months. I'm not going to stop. What I would advise is to work with me on that effort. I know people and I've already had meetings with some other species who want the Geyr out of power.

It would be smart for us to be on the same side and have the same generals. Fighting on two fronts is difficult and could mean defeat for both of us, and I would like to think that there are some of you who don't want to get killed of enslaved."

I looked around, and all I saw were people who were shocked by my proposition.

Of course they were, this wasn't a meeting for who the general of a space war was going to be. It was for them to get information and to use it just to decide that working with the Geyr wasn't so bad.

But it was, as they might not know it because they haven't been faced with it. But I have, and on top of that I knew and cared for people who knew it was the worst decision to be made.

We needed to fight, and I would do that either way.

But it would be a hell of a lot easier to just fight the Geyr rather than a revolution.

But if necessary, we could do it.

If necessary I would do anything.
Governments mattered, but without the internet their were revolutions and protests. All we had to do now was get a shit ton of people to fight in a war.

This was going to be a very long week.

And a very short life likely. It was always going to be short compared to those of the Firos or Geyr. But I think that initiating a war might considerably lessen it.

But that wasn't the matter. Except for the idea of Ruli being alone was stuck in my head.
Or her with someone else.

She deserved to be with someone else, I mean hell if I was dead I couldn't care. But it was still fresh in my mind how quickly I had her and then lost her.

And now she was gone completely.
Well, not completely, I just couldn't contact her in any way shape or form.

Happy thoughts Teddy. Happy thoughts.

Like this all being a nightmare and me walking up in her arms. But if it was a nightmare I wouldn't know her.

Could I reasonably say that I would give all the pain up if it meant losing her with it?

Could I do anything?

And here I was, in a blank bland room waiting for old white men to stop arguing over whether giving me military control was a good idea.

They were going to say no.

It wasn't even doubted at this point, it was common sense.
Common sense for the guy in here to look afraid of me even though he was the one with the gun.

Then again, I was in a meeting talking about aliens and becoming a general without any background.

Maybe I was crazy.

Maybe all of this was some hoax and this blank room was a mental hospital.

Maybe this was all in my head.

But it wasn't, I knew that much.

I knew faces and voices were real. And I knew most of all, that Ruli's lips had been on mine.

If this was a hallucination it was an elaborate one.

And at that moment I got my answer. This wasn't a hoax or hallucination.

It was real.

Two birds with one stone really.

"Ms. Darren you must think these men mad if we are ever to give any ruling over to you. Thank you, but we will continue without your help," the main speaker said.

Names didn't matter.

All that did was the revolution and craze that was to happen.

They couldn't blame me, I was running on self-preservation and love.
And the possibility of insanity.

Just the possibility.

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