Dates for Now and to Come.

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Part 1: Chapter 7: Dates for Now and to Come.

Before I could process fully her lips were on mine. I knew it was called a kiss from what humans had done and told me.

Firos never had any physical contact. And the Gey only aloud some hand-holding and hugs at most.
This was on another level.
And I understood how they could like it.
Even the Gey body with a more reptile-like skin could feel the pleasure in this.

Her lips felt soft against mine, her body close to mine. And the scent of citrus filled every part of my senses. Thinking clearly was not an option.
And I don't think I wanted it to be.

We broke apart after what felt like forever yet not long enough.

"I'd love to go on a date with you Ruli," she said, smiling at me. And all I could do was smile back. Words seemed a bit too hard to form after that.
Simple things always seemed harder near her.

We talked for most the day after that. And it was already dark after the testing and our talking from earlier. But we only pushed it later.
The conversation went from history on Earth, to the history on Geyr and Fitor. And then we talked about other random topics.
Whatever things came to mind, and she was more than I thought.

She interested me so much, and with so many topics I didn't know of, and so many things that I did, but that I got more information.
And she seemed more interested than anyone else I had talked to about different Firos customs and other galaxies.
And even though she knew so little and less than 6 months ago she didn't know of other planets and now she knows so much about it. But there's always more.

I mean, we didn't know about Earth and everything. It was burned from memories and ideas. But they didn't know that, they lived on and thought about different ideas.
But even though she knows that they ruled the galaxy for a time, she doesn't want to "regain" that for some reason. And everyone else I know in the way galaxies work would want to.
They would take thongs cause they could. And I know not all on Earth are like Teddy.
Which is good for me, I could barely handle beingin love with one person.
But if most were even close to her or at least believed some of the same things, we might be okay.
We could do this.
And we did.

After the conversation died down a bit Teddy looked at her phone.
"Holy shit," she said, her voice slowing down to show surprise.
"What?" I asked, inquiring more on what she thought was always a wonder.
"Its 3 in the morning..." she said, looking at me.
The one thing I've learned above all else, is how easily humans get tired. Even in the human body we don't. But they do, then again they move more than us.
And when we move it's only out of necessity.
I've been told, and I've seen, that they move for fun.
Like sports, running, other things that likely use energy I don't know of.

But with that we stopped talking and we went back to the house from where we were in the garage.

We walked in a comfortable silence. Her eyes glancing at m every now and then, and mine doing the same.
We made it inside, and she just looked at me, smiled and went down to where her room was.
I went up to the attic, which we had split into different areas, for each their bed, clothes, and area in general.

I went to mine and laid down. Relaxing into thoughts of what this 'date' would be. And some thoughts of Teddy in general. It was hard not to though.
She was interesting, funny, kind, smart, and she happened to feel delightful.

Hugging her felt nice. So did kissing her. But that was for later. A date. That was soon.
We agreed on tomorrow night. Teddy usually had free time to work on the ship then, but it seemed better to use free time, as something freeing.
I could barely sleep with all the excitement and planning going on in my head. But sooner or later I was asleep, and time didn't matter.

The morning came and I didn't feel rested at all. Shocker.
But I wasn't tired either. Thankfully the Gey don't get tired as easily as humans. Then again, if they had to sleep for more than 1/3 of the day maybe they couldn't take over the world. Huh, maybe sleeping is something they should do more often.
It would help us at least.

But breakfast came and I felt better as we all talked and ate. Though Teddy wasn't there.
She never is. Then again, no one but Wix, Tir, Acit, and I like her in any way.

But none of us would say it to the others.

Zell and Calsi are in charge kind of. And it's been that way for q couple of years now.
And as Teddy put it while we were learning about humans and climate change, "Humans don't like change, especially not the ones in power."

The Gey believed they were better than other space races for so long.
But one of the best things about some leaders here is the ability to say sorry when you mess up. And to change paths when it helps most.
And not all do so. But the ones who do tend to keep their jobs a bit longer.

And dealing with politics here sounds messy. But whatever works somewhat decently.
Then again, one thing I've wanted to discuss with Teddy is world politics.

Not everyone is under one leader, it's split up.
And honestly, that could be what we're looking for.
Not one galaxy lead, a planet lead.
And meetings could be held for other important topics. This could work.

I will need to know the schematics of how it works here. But that's for a date to come.
Tonight is for us, not politics.
And I can't help but want to giggle, and maybe run around the house to get out this insane amount of energy.
This should be fun, and I haven't been able to say that in years.

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