For Our Sake.

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Part 1:Chapter 9: For Our Sake.

After weeks of planning and experimenting Teddy, found a way to make the ship so only she understood.
Hell, she didn't even explain it to me.

Which was smart. Considering we didn't want people to know, but I still felt a tad left out.

But I felt all that emotion leave as I stepped into the garage.
Teddy had a ladder set up against the side of the ship as she checked things.
She made sure it could handle the technology that Wix and Teddy made.

And just during their conversations, I felt either stupider, or smarter. This I thought I knew were wrong, and they were correcting them.

But I still felt like an idiot.

Which I might have to get used to.

But right now all that mattered was learning all we could before leaving.
At least as a collective group that's what mattered.

All that I could think about was Teddy. And thankfully I knew about Earth and most of its habits from her.

But I also knew about her. And that was grander than any other knowledge I had received.

The way her eyes looked at me. The way her hands moved with such a skill when working. The way she spoke and the way she moved all left me on the edge of my seat.

And right now I was so hypnotized by her movements that it was dizzying.

Like oil on water, it sickened. My brain felt like dust, my knees were shaky, and breaths became harder to take around her.

The easiest and hardest thing of my life was falling for her. And I had done just that in a matter of two months.

It would've sickened me before.

I believed that feelings and emotions complicated working and ideas.
And I was right.
It was intense to just stare at her.
And to change this much over so little time felt so wrong.

Like I lost myself and gained myself all at once.
But pulling me from my thoughts was her.
"You could take a picture, it'll last longer," she said, leaning on the ladder.

She was now on the floor. And I would've noticed that if I hadn't been zoning out.

I looked at her. She wore a smug grin on her face, some small amounts of grease-covered her face and clothes.

She had a navy blue sweater on, it was so baggy she would've been drowning in it if she was any shorter.
And her black pants and grey Van's we're something of a common on her.

I had asked why they wore shoes a bit ago.
Because it seemed stupid. Yeah, I guess feet could get hurt, but there had to be a better way. There was always a better way.
And with so many without shoes and them costing so much, well there had to be something.

Teddy told me of prices and how shoes were used to show wealth, style, and a lot more.
I didn't see how something so simple could be used for that. But Teddy didn't know either

She was staring up at me. I was a head taller than her. I looked down at her hazel eyes meeting mine.

I studied what she looked like often.
It seemed a crime not to. After all, humans were utterly stunning. And her most of all.
Though that could be a personal opinion.

But one I wasn't going to let anyone argue.
And maybe one they couldn't either

"I would if I knew how to," I said honestly.

She went over to a table and wiped her hands off. Then she picked up her phone.

I only knew what it was because Zeus talked about it as new technology that helped humans a lot. And Teddy goes on her's often.

She walked over to me, messing with the screen. She handed it to me, "press that button when you want to take a picture, love, and aim the camera," she said pointing to the camera. "At what you want the picture of," she said.
Her voice remained in my ears as she walked back into the depths of the garage, smiling slightly.

I couldn't help it, when she got near the ladder and she put her hand on it I did as she entrusted and I got a picture of her.

It looked like a framed moment. It was her, one hand on the ladder the other on the ship's side. And her face had that goofy smile from before still plastered on her face.

All I could see and feel was her beauty and radiance.
All I could feel was happiness and laughter.

I loved it.

That night was the last before we had to leave. And that was one I wanted to spend with her. But Teddy told me I had to sleep.

It's stupid to care about me physically when I need you there for me mentally.
But I understood it.

And I knew it was because she cared. But I still wanted to be there with her.

In the morning I woke up and we were set to get on the ship early.

We needed to so we could get back sooner.

Wix, Teddy, and Zeus found things necessary to bring back to Geyr so they could see some technology. And other things that Earth and humans had.

It was early. Almost 4 in the morning.

And I was woken by a light tap on the shoulder.

I looked up and I saw her.
She seemed tired, but that didn't matter cause I was going to leave in less than an hour, and she was here.

I kissed her.

It was only our fourth kiss, but I put all of myself into it.
It seemed to startle her. Like she didn't expect me to kiss her right now. But soon she reciprocated.
She kissed me back, and we both understood why this mattered. Why it was important.

I didn't know how to contact her. How to get back. I didn't know anything.

But she seemed calm. Like she had a plan.

And of course, she did.

After we both lost our breath she looked at me. Hazel eyes met mine again.

"Don't open this until you're alone, completely. And there are no cameras or anything, got it?" she said, handing me a small bag-like thing.

"Why?" I asked, tempted to just see what it was.

"You'll see," she said, a smirk on her lips and a devious look in her eyes.

Why did she have to make me so nervous?

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