Crash Landing.

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Part 1: Chapter 2: Crash Landing.

The sounds of buzzing and warnings were abruptly stopped. And so was my vision and hopes for standing.

Next thing we all knew the floor was our best friend. And it would remain that way for many a time.

We finally woke, out of all things. The howlings of some beast. We heard it's climbing on the metal. And with that, we woke. But the sounds coming from the outside of the ship weren't our main worry as we woke.
No, what it would be is our appearance.

Gey and the Firos had one thing in common that we accepted. That was our care not of physical things. Whether it be touch or looks neither affected either species.

But this one would be a fool in some way not to. The skin ranged intones, but it was soft and had a delicate feeling which made it hard to believe the people here could be anything but passive.

The look of our bodies due to the technology made by the Gey is so confusing. How can our bodies look like this? I felt weak for one of the first times in my life since my parent's died.

And oh how I hated it.
I needed to overcome this, there must be strong beings like this out there. And when I find them that knowledge will be sought out too.

That's when we hear it. A voice what its saying makes no sense, the noises together clearly makes sense I'm to the thing clawing at our ship, but to us.
Pure nonsense.

We needed to defend ourselves, after all, whatever this was wasn't good.
But that's when I heard it, the voice still made no sense but there was another sound. It sounded weirder like I recognized it?

That's when I realized, I did understand it. It was the language they spoke on Geyr. How did someone here know it?

That's when we all listened in.

"Look you don't know me or how I know your language and you probably think this is an odd place. But I have someone who can help, they don't know much of you like I do. But trust me please," the voice was easy. And honestly, we didn't expect anyone to know anything about us.

So to have communication was insane. But considering we crashed, well we probably needed help.
So I responded.
"That would be nice, we will need help connecting to these people here, if you're okay to help us with that too," I asked, not wanting to overstep on their hospitality.

Zell shot me a look, it was clear he wasn't happy with me acting on my own.
But we needed help, and I wasn't going to allow myself to be intimidated by Zell.

Like he had done to too many others before. Each had no reason. And I had my mission as normal.

Now I just had a side quest of the sorts.

"Of course, just make your way out, I'll have the human collect what is needed," the thing that had been helping us said.

So we found a way out. And that's when I saw it.
An animal was sitting near one of the many plants. I remember it from history class.
It was a dog.

They left the Gey after learning of another planet that held much more promise for their kind and taking over the galaxy.

This was where they went. To this place.

It was stunning. With green and blue tones and colors never seen before. And the way the people looked only made it more and more clear beauty mattered.

At least that's what I thought in that second. The dog stood up and barked again. It was barking, right? We had been told of their noise but never been able to hear it.

I heard the sound again, it made no sense, but the dog knew it.

"I'm sorry, people are quite slow here. My human is actually on the fast side of them," the dog said.
"Oh, so sorry I forgot manners, I am Zeus."

"I am Wix, this is Zell," he said, then pointing to Zell.
"This is Calsi and Tiber," he said pointing to each again.
"This is Acit, Mides, Ruli, and Tir," Wix finally said. Ending the introductions.

"Well thank you I will make sure to use your names as I teach you to speak the language of where you are. Because no humans can agree on much. Especially not language," said Zeus, who very obviously disliked the difference in a language they had.

Other planets had sometimes different languages for different things. But we would learn much about people.

And it would start with Zeus and his knowledge. But there was also her, who happened to be the biggest help I had met.

More words me or any of those on my ship didn't understand we're spoken. But Zeus knew them. And he barked.

Where we didn't know the words she spoke we knew that however much we thought they cared about appearance here was underestimated.

Because she looked like what we had heard tales about.
Gods who looked like perfection and more.
And when in our youth I questioned it. But that was no more.
Her face quirked in a way I understood no more than I understood her words.

The dog said something. I presume it was in the language they spoke, because it sounded similar, but I had no clue.

She looked startled. Like whatever hard been said scared her. That's when I understood more. Dogs on this planet didn't talk. They remained noiseless but their barks and woofs.

And that made sense in the way it was all done. But then she looked at us.

Her eyes are a color. Could only label as belonging to this planet. Many other planets were dull in color and eyes only for sight, not for beauty. But it would be a crime for them not to be for that here.

She looked at the dog, then back at us.
She asked the dog something.

And after that, she shook her head and walked off to the side. Putting her back on one of the large plants. Which were so terrifying for someone who's only ever seen a sapling in a cup, before it died due to the air being different from what it needed for survival.

These we're monsters, reaching almost a hundred feet into the air each.

But she seemed calmed by them.

Then Zeus spoke again, "I have told her of your story, at least the brief. She knows you've crashed and such, and that you need help. I shall help with communication and teaching you theirs. She will want to learn yours too. But that is for later," he paused to look at her.

"She will help repair the ship and such. If you need anything else I will talk to you for her, she will help where she can. But she cannot communicate with you like I. Do you understand?" Zeus asked, his tone light. But he did not want us making trouble, that you could tell.

We all said some form of yes, then he said "good, now come with me, she will know the way back for your ship. And she will give you clothes to wear," Zeus said, leading us back to where she stood.

And we walked, for a while. It wouldn't have felt long in the Gey body. But this was too fragile. And I felt weak. But whatever these "clothes" were would hopefully help with that.

And maybe I could get tips from her, whose name I didn't know.
So I asked.
"Hello, Zeus, what is the name of whom is taking care of you?" I asked looking down at him as he was next to me and Wix, who was behind her as she led.

"She is Teddy and because of humans' weird customs, they believe they own dogs. It is fine, for she treats me well. Some do not. She is a good human," Zeus said. Pride in his voice like he helped her reach this good status.

Teddy, hmmm not something common on Gey or Firos. But change was a wonder.

And oh how she would change me. And what I was to do.

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