Part of the Process.

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Part of the Process...

Many things happen that don't need to. But this, this wasn't just part of some greater process.

All moves in chess are needed to play the game to each player's potential. And some players, have different potential and goals.

As always.

Ruli was on Desa, finding and noting their beliefs and knowledge.

But Aeslm was pacing, his dark air form gliding along the floor. But the steps were still vibrating along the floor.

The other members of the Ten we're there. At least, those who could make it.

Qudi had been missing since before the original trip to Earth. Keji was on Earth helping that one girl. And Ruli was out still undercover in the Gey. And Faes had gone missing as well. But he was presumably with Ruli in some way.

Which left Jer, Doz, Pif, Tewi, Nuso, and Aelsm. Of course.

The meeting went as planned. I was able to take credit for what Ruli had told me of the Geyr crimes. And with that, I knew I was able to get them to follow me.

Soon I could hopefully convince them to end the horrible society of the Gey. And then to follow the Firos.
"Aelsm, I was wondering, should we start making laws now? I have a feeling it'd be helpful," I heard Jer saying in a hushed voice.

I knew what he was talking about instantly. "Of course, that's a great idea!" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder and leaning into him.

"You'll help a lot once we get in control. Just keep being charismatic Jer. It'll help keep them in better," I said. Then pulling away. And walked back to my small one-seater plane.

It was small, but it worked for the mission. At least, for now. Everything was working out.

I had been under the Gey for a bit now. And it sucked. I had no clue how Ruli did it. "Faes!" I heard my name called out by someone else in my initiate group.
Many in the groups became friends.

But with my 'old soul' and knowledge of how things worked, I was cast out. And with working on so many projects advanced. Well hated me, or a lot of them did.

But he didn't.

"Hey Reyt," I said, smiling unknowingly. And all he did was smile back. "I was thinking we could study for the final together if you want to know," he said, rushing out the words.

"I'd like that," I said, I knew that my smile widened in that case. But I had no clue where it came from in the first place.

"Cool, cool, so to the library!" Reyt exclaimed, his smile broadened as well.

"Great," was all I said and we walked to the library in comfortable silence.

Hell was raining on Earth. Not literally mind you. But maybe that would've been better. Because Teddy was going through it. And though I didn't know the girl well enough to calm her down at all, Ruli seemed to care for her though.

And I couldn't stand by and watch as she killed herself. Burnout was all too real. And with Teddy knowing all too little about politics.

Well, she was now thrust into this. And she didn't like it. But I knew that Ruli set her name up as the one on Earth that would lead. And with that, it meant she was put into this.

I only knew about Ruli giving Teddy's name without her permission because Ruli asked me how she was doing a bit ago.

And with how often Teddy communicated with Ruli. Well, I didn't understand it then.

But while working Teddy got a message. I knew it was the communicator she set up with Ruli. Teddy looked at it, then at me.
And she let it sit.

"You can check it you know," I mumbled. But I knew she heard me. "It's not necessary right now," she said. Still avoiding it and me.
I sighed, as much as I hated it my time on Earth was affecting me. It was obvious. And honestly, it wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so stupid.

Not all of them were. But not everyone was Teddy. She reluctantly put a headphone in. And then she listened.

I watched as her lips pressed into a tight-mouthed frown. Whatever Ruli had said wasn't good.

"What?" I asked, knowing that we weren't going to get anything more done tonight was fine. Especially when Teddy could finish work quite quickly.

"She was sent on a mission. We aren't going to have a contact for a bit. Or a while, she didn't know," Teddy said, looking down trying to process whatever she had heard.

Or maybe it was what she had said. I still couldn't figure her out.

"Oh," it was all I could say. If I thought Teddy was doing bad now, I was in for a treat.

Because thoughts and conversations with Ruli kept her grounded.

I didn't know what to expect. But whatever it was it wasn't good...

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