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Part 2: Chapter 3: Suspicions

I was tired and stressed out of my mind. And it was only made worse by the disdain-filled looks that Aeslm gave me.

And Jer was just as suspicious.

And they had the right to be because I wasn't exactly supporting them. But I at least wasn't sending them daggers via sight.

Though that I could handle. At least, by itself, I could. But it wasn't by itself. It was all a brewing pot of hell and stress.

And I needed someone I could talk to. And though I hadn't talked to Connor in 2 years, well I needed someone.

And he was normal-ish. More normal than space aliens and government officials that is.

So I called him and we talked. Most nights I avoided saying exactly what I was going through.

But at some point I told him. I mean hell, people were going to figure something out at some point.

And Connor was one of my only friends. The only reason we stopped talking is that I got busy with work as a mechanic and with helping raise my brothers.

It was hard to stay in contact with people at that point. It was especially hard to think about what I was doing to myself. And with all the hell that I was going through. Well, I felt bad.

But we were both trying to make a friendship work now. And talking to him helped get things in order.

It helped me understand a lot of things, and I think it was just saying it to someone that helped.

We were talking once again and both of us found ways to talk about what we were going through.

Even if I had to lie now and then, I still was able to get most of what was bothering me off my chest.

That in itself was nice. Plus talking with Connor was too. He happened to be a pretty good person, and I knew that before. But forgetting details is normal.

Especially when you don't talk or think about someone often.
And tonight wasn't too stressful for me, but all relationships are a give and take. So where I got to vent, so did Connor.

And he was venting about some work thing and how the guy was an idiot.

"He's just so annoying- like honestly, I don't know how he has a wife at all. I would beat the shit out of him daily if it was me," I heard him say. And all I could do was laugh.

"Well then it's good you don't have a spouse at all Connor," I said still laughing.

That's when I heard the messaging ding from the communicator.

"Uh, hey I'm going to have to call you back, okay?" I asked Connor.

"Yeah it's fine Teddy, talk to you later," I heard him say as the line hung up.

I went over and saw it was a message from Wix. Of course was, Ruli's gone for now.

But that didn't stop hope. The hope that even though it's only been a little over a week, maybe two, she would message me.

I figured out the code for the communicators. They use Geyrian because they think the possibility of war will only be on Earth. They are also sending a 2nd team to Earth. Be warned, a storm is coming.

A storm. That must be it. If they think we don't know Geyrian then we need generals who speak it. And that means people and governments need to get involved.

A person going into war has a hard job. Because not only can you die of a gunshot, but I could also burst a blood vessel from the stress.

Such fun times we live in.

But I noted it down. They wouldn't know how to speak it as of now. But they would need to learn. And I couldn't waste my time with people who wouldn't learn.

Because somewhere in this hell hole full of 7, almost 8, billion people, there were people who could learn Geyrian. I mean I head dome it.

That's something right?

But that wasn't the concern now. I took the communicator down to the garage, no matter how early or late it was. Clocks didn't matter much anymore.

All that did was technology and change people's minds.
I sent Wix a message, what's the frequency and what's the radio system?

We went back and forth for hours. He told me how to make radio of sorts that would transmit the signal. I listened and did so, he also told me code words.

They're going to use the storm as a way to say battle. And storm movements are battle and army placement. They won't use it right away, so it could change. But the radio won't. We've worked too hard on it to change it.

That's good, no changes to the radio. Meaning all we had to do was keep Wix or someone else in a position to hear what the new code was when I came around. Because it surely would.

Do you know who will be sent on this second mission you mentioned? And what its meant to do?

I asked. I know he might not, but any information was better than none. If he knew something, then it could help us in some way, hopefully.

Maybe, I think you might have to face Zell again... Which isn't bad, but it's not good. He's quite loyal to the Geyr cause. And I think he might like the fact that they are mass murders too.

Well, that's not good. But if he's there then they aren't scouting anymore. This was a mission to tell them whether we were worth time, or a bomb.

Lucky me. And with the fact that they likely wouldn't come here again, we just had to hope someone else on this mission thought Earth was worth saving.

Or that some human could show them that. As unlikely as both were, I couldn't help it. It's not like they would broadcast where they were.

Even if I could find out where they were going, I still couldn't make my being there not suspicious.

Curse people and their suspicions, and curse them for being right in this case.

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