Doctor Strange & Wolverine in the Multiverse of Madness

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A big thank you to WilsonsWits for hooking me up with a way to make GIFS from the movie!


(America Chavez & Defender Strange are shown running away from a demon-like creature while trying to reach the Book of the Vishanti. The creature stabs Strange through the leg. He traps the creature in some rubble but it starts breaking through it. He looks at America.)

Defender Strange: I'm so sorry. This is the only way.

(He starts taking her power.)

America: What are you doing?!

Defender Strange: I can't let that thing take your power. You can't control it but I can.

America: But we're friends. You're killing me!

Defender Strange: I know. But in the grand calculus of the Multiverse, your sacrifice is worth more than your-

(The creature stabs Strange through the chest which makes him drop America. She runs to the book but the creature captures her. She uses her power in response; she gets sucked through the portal as does Defender Strange. We see our Strange getting dressed to attend Christine's wedding after waking up from a dream. While in the chapel, he's met by Doctor West who gives him a hard time about the past five years. Their conversation ends with saying that he didn't get the girl. Strange & Christina talk about why their relationship never worked. He overhears & looks out on a balcony to hear cars honking and screeching to a halt as well as people screaming and running from something. He pulls out the Cloak of Levitation & flies towards the chaos to see America run into a bus that's being lifted by something he can't see. He breaks the spell to see it's a tentacled monster lifting the bus. He takes America out of the bus while cutting off one of the monster's tentacles & brings her to him.)

America: Look out!

(He cuts the bus in half with a saw spell.)

Strange: Do I know you?

(She remembers Supreme Strange. The monster knocks him away & chases after America. The monster soon catches her but she's saved by Wong who engages the monster. But wrapped up by one of its tentacles. The monster goes back to chasing America just as the Cloak of Levitation scoops her up a building. The monster throws a motorcycle, hitting the cloak, dropping America on a ledge. Strange frees Wong from the monster's grasp.)

Strange: You're welcome.

Wong: You know it's an ancient custom to bow in the presence of the Sorcerer Supreme?

Strange: Yeah, I'm aware of the customs.

(They conjure chains that attach to the monster as it climbs the building & get pulled up by it. Christine, her husband, & the people at their wedding watch on. After an assist from America & the cloak, Strange is able to pierce the monster's eye with a light post & take its eye out. Cut to the trio in a pizza place after Strange & Wong catch up to her.)

America: Okay, how much experience do you guys have with the multiverse?

Strange: We have experience with the multiverse. Most recently, there was an incident with Spider-Man that Wolverine assisted me with.

America: "What" man?

Strange: Spider-Man. He has the powers of a spider.

Wong: Hence the name.

America: Gross. Does he look like a spider?

Strange: No, more like a man.

Wong: Climbs walls. Shoots webs.

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