WandaVision Starring (Y/N) Episode 2

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(The inside of Wanda & Vision's bedroom after the two thuds.)

Wanda: What do you see?

Vision: Only your lovely rose bushes.

Wanda: That's all? Are you using your night vision, Vision?

Vision: I assure you, my love, I see nothing amiss. You have absolutely no reason to be frightened...

(There's a third thud.)

Vision: [yelps]

Wanda: You were saying?

Vision: Maybe we should get your brother to check it out?

Wanda: No, let him sleep.

Vision: Actually, I did overhear a couple of lads at work remarking on a few unsavory characters settling in the neighborhood. Now, who knows what those ne'er-do-wells might be up to? Robbing houses, vandalizing property.

Wanda: Walking through walls, moving objects without touching them, cutting things with blades that come out of their hands.

Vision: Wanda, darling, you can't be suggesting my colleagues were referring to us.

(There's another thud resulting in Wanda moving their beds together.)

Vision: One of us should really determine the source of that sound.

Wanda: Yes, one of us should.

(There's another thud.)

Wanda: Oh, this is getting ridiculous. I'm going to take a look.

Vision: Oh, God! Darling!

(Wanda telepathically swings the curtains open to reveal a tree branch hitting the panes.)

Wanda: Well, I think we handled that well.

Vision: Yes, I must say I'm rather proud of myself. And look how you seized on the opportunity to redecorate.

Wanda: This is better, isn't it?

Vision: Mmm.

(Wanda uses her powers to turn the two adjacent beds into one wide bed.)

Vision: Wanda, darling?

Wanda: Yes, dear?

Vision: Get the light.

(They get under the covers as Wanda turns off the light. Cut to Y/N in his room as he's hearing...what's going on in his sister & Vision's room.)

(Y/N): I have to get my own place.



Starring (Y/N)!


Starring (Y/N)!

WandaVision Wa-WandaVision

Sta-Starring (Y/N)

WandaVision Wa-WandaVision

Sta-Starring (Y/N)

WandaVision Wa-WandaVision

Sta-Starring (Y/N)


Starring (Y/N)!

(Cut to the living room where Vision is in a magician's getup.)

Vision: Ladies and gentlemen, for my final trick, I bring you the Cabinet of Mysteries.

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