A Maximoff Family Father's Day

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The Maximoff Household

(It's early in the morning where we see Y/N sleeping next to Natasha.)

(Y/N): [snoring]

Natasha: (Y/N).

(Y/N): [snoring]

Natasha: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): [snoring]

(Natasha begins shaking him awake.)

(Y/N): [groans] What...?

Natasha: Happy Father's Day, killer.

(Y/N): *groggy* Woo...

Natasha: That was not the reaction I was expecting.

(Y/N): [yawns]

(He starts falling back asleep.)

Natasha: Well, I do have the day planned out for just and me but if you'd rather sleep...

(Y/N): Okay. I'm getting up.

Natasha: That's what I thought.

(Cut to Y/N in the shower while Natasha's in the bathroom.)

(Y/N): So, what exactly are we doing today?

Natasha: It's a surprise.

(Y/N): *gurgles water* Of course. [spits] Who's gonna be watching Laura and Daken?

Natasha: Yelena. She should be here soon.

(Y/N turns off the water, steps out of the shower, & wraps a towel around himself.)

(Y/N): Yelena. Great.

Natasha: Don't be like that. I thought you and her were on better terms?

(Y/N): She still calls me a dog and makes dog jokes around me. Also, the last time I saw her she impaled me onto a Christmas tree star.

Natasha: Didn't the two of you hug afterwards?

(Y/N): Yes.

(She cups his face.)

Natasha: Progress.

(Y/N): Yeah, progress.

(He notices his Natasha's hair isn't red anymore. It's...)

(Y/N): You're blonde again?

Natasha: Just for today.

(Y/N): Why?

Natasha: Since we were recognized during our honeymoon, I thought, I should try to prevent that from happening today.

(Y/N): You have the right idea.

(He walks over to the bathroom counter & puts shaving cream on face.)


(Y/N pops a claw & starts shaving his face with it.)

(Y/N): How do I look?

Natasha: Very handsome.

(Cut to Y/N making breakfast for Laura & Daken.)

(Y/N): Morning you two.

Daken: [yawns] Morning.

Laura: [yawns] Morning, dad.

(He places plates of bacon & eggs on the table giving his kids the chance to look at his face.)

Laura & Daken: You shaved?

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