MCU Interview #4

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(Tom Holland & Benedict Cumberbatch are sitting in chairs, waiting to be interviewed at Y/N stands behind them in his "bodyguard" uniform which is a black suit & shades.)

Benedict: Hey.

(Y/N): Hm?

Benedict: Nice to meet you.

(He offers his hand for a handshake & Y/N accepts it.)

(Y/N): Nice to meet you too?

Benedict: Tom told me that he has a personal bodyguard but I didn't believe him.

(Y/N): [chuckles] I don't blame you for not believing him.

Tom: Hey!

(Y/N): But it's me, (Y/N).

(He dips his shades to show Benedict his eyes.)

(Y/N): See?

Benedict: Ha, wow. You know, I heard you were acting as his bodyguard during Homecoming and now. I must say you really dress the part.

(Y/N): What? This? This is nothing.

Tom: Ever so modest.

(Y/N): It really is nothing.

(Cut to the middle of their interview.)

Interviewer: So what was it like to see all these characters collide for the first time in the MCU in Avengers Infinity War?

Benedict: Can we tell you everything?

Interviewer: This is theatrical so...

Benedict: No.

Tom: Don't say anything.

(Y/N): Keep it on the down low. Gotcha.

Benedict: It's pretty awesome to see this collective, isn't it?

Tom: Yeah.

(Y/N): Definitely.

Benedict: Just to be a part of it, a tiny little spray on the massive mosaic of it all.

Tom: It's like you couldn't fit anymore people on that poster.

(Y/N): Had to squeeze me in there.

Tom: Everyone deserves to be there, you know? Everyone that's fought for their place in the MCU and it's crazy to me that this film is actually happening. That they actually pulled this off. I remember when they were talking about it. Spider-Man Homecoming a lot of the prep for this film was happening and Kevin was pitching me ideas about what we're gonna do and I remember being like, "There's no way they're gonna make that movie, it just sounds too crazy." And then here we are.

Benedict: Also doing two back-to-back...

Tom: Ah, dude.

(Y/N): It was hectic in the beginning.

Benedict: And the struggle they had with my availability let alone everyone's.

Tom: The Russo brothers are the real heroes in this movie.

Benedict: Superheroes.

(Y/N): Yes.

Interviewer: That's nice. What was the most fun about on screen or off screen making this film?

Benedict: On screen was just the camaraderie.

Tom: Yeah.

(Y/N): Always.

Benedict: To be amongst that group of actors playing these kinds of ridiculously iconic roles. Step onto set Spider-Man Tom, Wolverine (Y/N), Ironman RDJ. I mean just all of it was really good fun and I was very excited to sort of have a goatee to goatee with the other sociopathic egomanics.

Tom: What was actually really cool, I recently for the time went to Disneyland in China. (Y/N) came with me of course.

(Y/N): Of course.

Benedict: Of course.

Tom: Joe Russo took (Y/N) and I on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride and it's like you're basically in a boat and it takes you through an experience of Pirates of the Caribbean. And that is the closest reminder of what it's like being on set of Avengers.

(Y/N): I'm going to piggyback what you said, Benedict.

Benedict: Go right ahead.

(Y/N): The camaraderie is just something else for me. Working with such great--not just actors and actresses but people. It gives me this warm feeling everytime I'm in these films.

Interviewer: How have your characters changed since we've last seen them in your films?

Tom: I think this takes place quite soon after Spider-Man: Homecoming and because we all have such finite amount of work in these films because there are so many of us. I wanted to save the real growth of my character for future movies where I can really explore it and sort of display it to audiences in a broader way rather than trying to rush something in this film so the version of Spider-Man you see here is very similar to the one that's in Homecoming.

(Y/N): The Wolverine you see in this Avengers film I'd say has "adjusted" to his new life without his sister, rarely seeing and hearing from Natasha, and watching Peter occasionally. He takes the punches as best he can.

Benedict: That's sort of the same but except that I guess I've learned some new, cool stuff. I'm a little bit more adept at my craft and we might have to retro engineer that a little bit but desperate times call for new tricks and he's more the adult in the room, a little more I'd say then before because he was learning on a very, very steep curve and taking on a lot of responsibilities and weirdness that any of us would balk at so yeah he's a little bit more in control.

Interviewer: Tom, I feel like you were the--I heard there were a lot of fake scripts given out to the cast.

Tom: Yeah.

Interviewer: I heard you were in particular...

Benedict: He wasn't even given a fake script.

(Y/N): Just blank sheets of paper.

Benedict: He didn't get anything.

Tom: I wasn't given a fake script. I was just given a script that was like blacked out. Lots of it you couldn't read so I'd be doing a scene with someone and when it would come to say the character's name or the person I was working with, it would just be blank.

Interviewer: So you had no idea?

Tom: I wouldn't know who I was working with until occasionally I would get the pleasure of working with an actor and they would be there.

Interviewer: What would be the purpose in having an actor perform in a film and have them not know who they're working with?

Tom: For the reason I don't ruin the film for the billions of people who are gonna watch it.

Benedict & (Y/N): [chuckles]

Interviewer: [laughs] Are you the one most likely to that?

Tom: Yes.

(Y/N): You'll get better at it one day.

Benedict: Yes. Yes, that's why I'm here. While (Y/N) is here to protect him, I'm here to police him. You don't need me, Wolverine, and Spider-Man. I'm just here to go like this.

(He cover's Tom's mouth with his hand.)

Interviewer: I got it, I got it.

(Y/N): Kevin actually hired me specifically to make sure you don't spoil anything.

Interviewer: Ha, wow.

Benedict: I don't blame him.

Tom: I'm not that bad.

(Y/N): Pay's pretty good.

Benedict: I bet.

Tom: How much is he paying you just to make sure I don't spoil anything about the movie?

(Y/N): ...No comment.

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