WandaVision Starring (Y/N) Episode 6

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Wanda Vision



Don't try to fight the chaos

Don't question what you've done

The game can try to play us

Don't let it stop the fun

(After Wanda closes her door, Tommy runs to Y/N's room & opens his door. Which he notices & immediately mouths "close the door." Tommy doesn't, which annoys Y/N causing him to slowly reveal his claws at Tommy, who finally closes the door.)

Some days it's all confusion

Easy come and easy go

But if it's all illusion

Sit back, enjoy the show

Let's keep it going

Let's keep it going

Through each distorted day

Let's keep it going

Though there may be no way of knowing

Who's coming by to play


Billy: Halloween's a magical holiday. All about family, friends, and the thrill of getting to be someone else for a day.

Tommy: Wrong! Halloween's about candy. And scaring people, but mostly candy.

Billy: Where's your costume, Tommy?

Tommy: This is my costume. I'm the cool twin.

Billy: What does that make me?

Tommy: Hmm...

(Cut to Billy & Tommy playing a dance game where Billy falls off the dance pad.)

Tommy: A dorksaurus rex.

Billy: Not a real dinosaur.

Tommy: [chuckles]

(Tommy & Billy walk to the couch where Pietro is sleeping.)

Pietro: [snoring]

Tommy: Man. He even snores cool. I'm gonna go wake him up.

(Billy stops him.)

Billy: [whispers] Don't!

(Unknowingly to Billy & Tommy, Pietro wakes up.)

Tommy: You scared?

Billy: He's one of our uncles. Why would I be scared?

Tommy: 'Cause it's four o'clock in the afternoon. You're secretly scared he's a vampire.

Billy: No, I'm not.

Tommy: Yes, you are.

Billy: No, I'm not. Besides, I think (Y/N) might be a vampire. I mean, have you seen his hair?

(Pietro quickly gets off the couch & dashes to his nephews.)

Pietro: Blood is thicker than water! I show you!

Billy & Tommy: [screaming]

(Pietro quickly chases after his nephews who playfully scream resulting in Wanda rushing down the stairs.)

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