The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, And The Wolverine Episode 2

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(Y/N & unknowingly Bucky are watching the new Captain America, John Walker being interviewed by Sara Haines.)

John: It's the greatest honor of my life. Um, but I'm just a little shocked, I think. How did a guy like me end up here? [chuckles]

Sara: Oh, wait, wait, wait. "A guy like me"? Somebody's being a bit too humble. For those of you who aren't familiar with John's résumé, "John Walker, first person in American history to receive three Medals of Honor, ran RS-One missions in counterterrorism and hostage rescue. The government did a study of your body at MIT, and you tested off the charts in every measurable category. Speed, endurance, intelligence...

(Y/N): They're really trying to sell this guy, huh?

John: Look, here's the thing, uh, I'm not Tony Stark, I'm not Dr. Banner, okay? I don't have the flashiest gadgets, I don't have super strength. But what I do have is guts.

(Y/N): Hmm.

John: Something Captain America always had, always needs to have, and I'm gonna need every ounce of it. Because I got big shoes to fill.

Sara: Did you know Steve Rogers?

(Bucky watches with a look of disbelief.)

John: I was two years out of West Point when Steve came back on the scene. I followed his career very closely as an Avenger. I like to think that I modeled my work after his.

Sara: You've always wanted to be a hero?

John: I liked what I was doing would make people feel safe. Steve Rogers was the kind of guy who could do that, he gave me hope. Even though I never met him, he feels like a brother.

(Cut to a base where Bucky & Sam arguing over Sam giving away the shield resulting in the new Captain America.)

Bucky: You had no right to give up the shield, Sam.

Sam: Hey. This is what you're not gonna do. You're not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my rights. It's over, Bucky. Besides, I have bigger things to deal with now.

Bucky: What could be bigger than this?

Sam: This guy.

(Sam shows Bucky a picture of the guy who attacked Torres.)

Sam: His connections with rebel organizations all over Eastern and Central Europe, and he's strong. Too strong.

Bucky: And?

Sam: Well, he's been connected to this online group called the Flag Smashers. Now, Redwing traced them to a building somewhere outside of Munich. So that's where I'm going.

Bucky: Well, I don't trust Redwing. Hold on a minute.

Sam: You don't have to trust Redwing but I'mma go see if he's right. 'Cause I have a feeling they might be part of the Big Three.

Bucky: What "Big Three"?

Sam: The Big Three.

Bucky: What Big Three?

Sam: Androids, aliens, and wizards.

Bucky: That's not a thing.

Sam: That's definitely a thing.

Bucky: No, it's not.

Sam: Every time we fight, it's one of the three.

Bucky: Who are you fighting now, Gandalf?

Sam: How do you know about Gandalf?

Bucky: I read the Hobbit when it first came out in 1937.

Sam: So you see my point?

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