MCU Interview #5

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Avengers: Endgame World Premiere

(He is about to get some photos taken by the paparazzi there.)

(Y/N's thoughts): I hope what I'm wearing is okay. I mean, of course it is. No one's come up to me and said that it's ugly or you look horrible.

(He's wearing a suit with some shades.)

(Y/N): [chuckles]

(Someone gestures him over for the paparazzi to take photos of him.)

(Y/N): Here goes.

(He stands in front of a board that has all of the various companies that helped make the movie & has the title of the movie right in the middle.)

Paparazzi: (Y/N), can we get a side shot? (Y/N)!

(He turns to his side to give the paparazzi there the shot they desire.)

Paparazzi: Let's see that smile, (Y/N).

(He faces them again & gives them a smile.)

Paparazzi: Perfect, perfect. Thank you.

(He's about to leave when he realizes something.)

(Y/N): Oh. Ha, sorry. I'm sure you'd all like some photos of me without my shades on, huh?

Paparazzi: Yes!

(He takes his shades off & places them inside his coat jacket. He then lets them take photos of him with his shades on. After some photos are taken, he turns to the side where you're supposed to leave & sees...)

(Y/N): Oh, my God. Is that Natalie Portman?

(Some of the paparazzi nod to him, yes.)

(Y/N): Should I introduce myself? I'm gonna introduce myself.

(He walks over to her, taps her shoulder, & she turns to face him.)

(Y/N): Miss Portman?

Natalie: Hm?

(Y/N): I'm a big fan of your work.

Natalie: Thanks...

(Y/N): You don't know who I am. (Y/N) (L/N).

Natalie: (Y/N) (L/N)? You're Wolverine!

(Y/N): Yeah!

(She hugs him & he hugs her back.)

Natalie: Please call me Natalie.

(Y/N): I will.

Natalie: You're so great as Wolverine.

(With that, she walks off leaving Y/N as the paparazzi continue to take photos.)

(Y/N): You guys hear that? Natalie Portman thinks I'm great.

(He walks off from the paparazzi & is now walking around the event.)

(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh, I always feel like an idiot at these things. I wish Tom was here. At least, I'd be making myself useful. It's not like I'm not having a good time or anything...What am I even talking about?

(As he continues to walk around the event he makes eye contact with Chris Evans.)

Chris: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): *waves*

Chris: Come over here!

(They meet each other halfway & shake hands.)

Chris: You enjoying everything so far?

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