Chapter 16

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Maddison's POV:

I slowly feel myself become conscious to the aching feeling in my head and the pain in my ankle. I try to open my eye but it's impossible, it's like they have been superglued shut. 

What happened? Where am I? The last thing I remember is being pissed at Tom. 

I feel small droplet's off water come in contact with the skin on my hands and then realise someone's holding it. 

"I'm not ready to live without you..." I hear a familiar voice whisper. Jake?

My hand is brought up and is gently kissed by a pair of soft lips, my hand being soaked with more tears. "I need you..."

My face sinks into a frown. Please don't cry Jake.

"Wake up, Maddie... Just wake up and let me see those beautiful blue eyes again. Please." He begs.

Come on Maddison, open your eyes. Do something. Do it for him. For Jake...


Its been a few days since I was brought to hospital and I still haven't been able to open my eyes. However, one time when Jake let go off my hand I heard Mike say my fingers twitched, but that was it.

People have been in and out of my room but one person has stayed the whole time. Jake. He only ever leaves to go a toilet or to get changed. He eats in my room, sleeps in my room, cries in my room. 

I feel bad for making everyone worried but I just can't open my eyes and tell them I'm okay.


"maddison~" you hear a voice call. "you need to wake up sweetie." you look around and see you're in your old room at your parents house. "mom? dad?" you ask. "maddie? where are you?" your mother's voice calls again. "mom! mom I'm here!" you say excitedly and run out of your room and into your mom's embrace. "hiya sweetie!" she smiles. "I've missed you, mom. so much." you smile. "I know sweetie. but the main thing is you're alright." she says. "but now you need to wake up." your eyebrows crinkle together and she sighs, "you need to wake up for the Bakers. they need you, okay?" you nod. "good." "how do I wake up, mom? I've tried. my eyes won't open." she nods in understanding. "I know sweetie. I can't help you with that. but you need to keep trying." the sound off bells ringing makes the two of you look around worried. "what was that?" you ask. "I'm so sorry sweetie, but I'm running out of time." she apologizes. "what'd you mean?" you ask. "I thought we had more time." "mom?" "maddison, listen to me. you have to wake up. you can't put them through this anymore. trust me, okay?" the wind starts to pick up, "mom? what's happening?" you ask scared. "promise me, you'll wake up!" she demands. "I promise!" you shout over the wind. she grabs your hand, "I love you maddison and I'm sorry for leaving you again! so is your father!" she yells and you see a cyclone coming your way. "mom we need to hide! look!" you point to the cyclone. "its to late! goodbye maddison!" your mother is swept up in the cyclone. "no! mom!"

My eyes shoot open and are instantly blinded by the bright light coming from the windows. I groan at the migraine taking over my head.

Once my eyes adjust to the light, I look around my hospital room to see it completely empty. I look down at my ankle after noticing a throbbing pain.

The sound of the door opening makes my head snap back up and I see Jake walk in with his head down and black hood of his hoodie pulled up over his head. 

"Gee, Jakey I thought you'd be happier to see me." My hoarse voice jokes and Jake's gaze immediately is lifted from the floor and directed towards me.

"Mads?" He asks with wide eyes.

"What am I, chopped liver? Get over here." I smile weakly. A smile breaks out on his face and he rushes over to me, embracing me in the tightest hug ever. "Ca-can't breathe..."

Jake pulls away and hastily brings my lips in a passionate kiss, I reciprocate the feeling straight away with out a second thought.

We both slowly pull away from each other and just look at each other. Jake's chocolatey orbs bore into my blue pools as we both breathed heavily. 

"Hey Jake, how's Mad-" Charlie stops his sentence midway and we both turn to him. "Oh my- Guys! Maddie's awake!"

Soon the whole room is filled with all the Baker's and they start fussing about me: asking if I'm alright and comfortable.

"Guys!" I silence them. "I'm fine. Just a little confused." I look towards Jake before looking back at everyone else.

"Okay." Kate sighs, "What're you confused about?"

"I, um, I can't remember anything after going upstairs with Jake." I answer.

"Oh well, you snuck out-"

"Stole the Cutlass-"

"Your grandma saw-"

"You flipped her the bird-"

"Drove to Lake Shore Boulevard-"

"Crashed the car-"

"You had us worried sick-"

"You were there for a whole day-"

"We got a search party together-"

"The police found you-"

"We went to the accident-"

"You got taken here to get healed." All the Baker's explain.

"Oh okay." I nod.

"So, how you feeling?" Charlie asks.

"Couldn't be better." I smile.

"Even though you've broke your ankle?" Mike speaks up, earning a whack on the back of the head from Sarah.

"Yes Mikey." I laugh.

"Its good to have you back Maddison." Tom smiles.

"Good to be back Tommy Boy."

The End

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