Chapter 4

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I sit under the tree I found the first time I skipped school. As soon as I saw the tree I could not explain how homely and familiar it felt to be there. Under the tree, the sky vanishes almost completely, only a few fragments of blue and bright light shone through, like scattered pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The air is rich with the smell of fresh oak and damp grass. The beautiful green leaves hung high above my head as I sit and speak my mind.

"Hey mom and dad. Its been a while huh? Just so you know, my time with the Bakers is going ok. I still have a few nightmares but I have Jake now. He helps me calm down and he gets me to open up to him. Which is kinda crazy. I mean, I never open up to anyone. But with Jake... I guess its just.... it just flows out off my mouth like a waterfall. Like once I start, I'll never stop. I hope he doesn't hate having to listen to my sob story of a life. But he likes to reassure me that its not my fault and that he does like listening to me, but I just don't believe him. How could you possibly be able to listen to this random 14 year old girl that turned up out of nowhere almost two years ago? He's my best friend and I'm so glad that I have him. Oh, and I have become closer to Charlie over the last year. That's a plus. Anyway, I guess all I really came he to say is... is that I'm so sorry that you died because of me. Its all my fault that you did. I wish I never asked you to come to my stupid talent show in the first place. I'm so so sorry. I love you. I should go, the Bakers are shooting their Christmas card today and I kinda need to be there. And I know, a Christmas card in May? Mr Baker said he gets a better discount though, so it is kinda impressive. Anyway, Goodbye." I smile sadly, wiping away the stray tears scatter across my face. 

I make my way back to the Baker's in around 20 minutes. That left the time to be around 3:45. Yes! I'm not late. As I walk up the long drive to the house I see Tom and Kate walk out with camera equipment. Once I get closer, Kate caught sight of me, she jogs lightly up to me and engulfs me in a hug. The hug was unexpected and in my opinion unnecessary, but I understand why she did it. The hug was awkward because Kate showed so much sympathy and warmth, where as I just froze and did not hug back. I felt bad not hugging back but I don't really like hugging people other then my parents and Jake, oh and sometimes I give some of the kids little side hugs. But nothing like this, yes Kate hugged me this morning and I acted less frigid towards the hug, but I was still very uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, I am ripped from Kate's hug and engulfed in a new one. This is familiar. Jake?

"Are you ok Mads?" He whispers to me.

"I'm always ok Jakey." I whisper back.

"You know I don't buy that." He chuckles softly causing me to do the same, whilst releasing me from the hug but still keeping me close to him.

"Can we please talk about this later? I just want to put my stupid jumper on, slap on a fake smile, and then go upstairs and cry alone to myself." I look down.

"No." My eyebrows knit together in confusion, before he continues, "You are going to get changed, pose for a dumb photo, then go upstairs and cry... to me." I give him a small 'really' face, "We are gonna get through today, together." He smiles and rests his forehead against mine. 

"Always." I nod, smiling slightly. 

"Now get up those stairs right now, Miss Quinn." He smiles, backing away.

"Yes sir." I salute, earning a small chuckle from Jake.

"I laid some close you need to wear for the photo on your bed." He says.

"Jake I know how to get a corny jumper out of my closet, you don't have to do everything for me y'know?" I smile.

"Yes I know you can do that. But this year is a little different from the others." He replies nonchalantly.

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