Chapter 6

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Henry's band plays sad melodies as the rest of the Baker clan pack up the only home most of them have ever known. 

Mark is saying his goodbyes to Beans' mother, Pork.

Lorraine is hugging her two best friends, Lorelai and Sally.

Charlie is having a heart breaking goodbye with his girlfriend Beth.

Jake is saying goodbye to his Skate park friends.

Mike is loading up the boot of the car with Maddison.

Tom is trying to get Gunnar in the car by shouting: "Gunnar to the car! Come on! I'm you, get into the car! I'm Gunnar, get into the car!"

"Hey Charlie!" Tom calls to his eldest son, "Do me a favour and drive the Cutlass?" He chucks him the keys.

"Thanks for ruining my life." Charlie replies pissed after catching the keys.

"I don't wanna move!" Nigel declares.

"You know what? Everybody's going with us." Kate tries to sooth whilst struggling to get the twins in their seats.

The twins just yell out.

"We're taking all your toys. Okay. Well, whoever said expressing emotion is a good thing, I'd like to see." 

"Hey boys!" Maddison calls to the younger twins that are currently driving their mother crazy. "If you sit in your car seat like good boys, when we get to our new house I'll buy you an ice-cream. How's that sound?" Maddison bribes.

Nigel and Kyle look at each other, contemplating the offer, before nodding and getting in their car seats. 

"God bless you Maddie." Kate thanks dramatically.

"No problem." 

"Come on Gang! Let's roll!" Tom shouts.


"stay away~" a half rotted away woman called to you. "we don't want you here!" another voice called, only this one belonged to a half rotted man. "please! have mercy! let them live!" you looked to where the woman was pointing. you saw all the Bakers trapped in a car, screaming for help. "you're going to kill them like you did us!" the man bellowed. "no, no! I didn't mean to. I never wanted this!" you pleaded. "its too late mads." a familiar voice said from behind you. "jake? jakey, please I swear, I never meant to hurt anyone." "I know mads. just call them off, and we can go back to midland. we can live together happily." you smiled at his words. "how jake? how do I call them off?" he grabbed your hand. "all you have to do is-" BANG! he was cut off by the sound of a gun, jake held his chest. "jake? jake what's wrong?" you asked frantically. he smiled before collapsing in you arms. you both fell to the floor. "jake? jakey? jake, come on! man up! please don't leave me! jake, keep your eyes open! don't you dare! Come on, I need you." you pleaded, tears trickling down your face. "I-I l-love y-you, ma-maddie." he choked. "I love you too. please don't leave me. you promised." you cried. "I-I'm sorry." he whispered. "no. no! you promised me, you said we were in this together." "always." he smiled. "no jake. NO!"

"No!" I jolt awake. But this time, when I was abruptly awoken, I was not in my room. I panic. Where am I?!? 

"Mads. Maddie calm down, okay?" I hear a familiar whisper in my ear.

"J-Jake. I-I.... I-it it w-was... Y-you-" I stutter

"Its okay. Your safe now. It was just a nightmare." Jake coos.


"Your safe. In the car, remember we're moving." He whispers.

I just nod, trying to rid myself of the tears that were threatening to fall. Jake wipes away my tears and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

"Yes....but not now." I say looking around.

"Of course." He smiles, I smile back. He's so sweet.

"Ooo~, What're you two lovebirds whispering about?" Lorraine teases.

I give her a death glare and she awkwardly turns back to the front of the car.

"Hey this is our street." Tom informs smiling.

"Are you sure we're gonna fit in here Dad?" Sarah asks looking out her window at the car next to us blaring music before the two kids in the back shook they're heads and did up their window. 

"You'll have friends here in no time, guys." Tom tries to reassure us.


A few more minutes of driving, Jake has his arm around me, drawing circles on my shoulder to ease my nerves. 

"Here we are! We are here! Everybody out! I want everybody out!" Tom cheers as he pulled up and exits the car.

As I got out of the mini van I see Charlie approach me from where he parked the Cutlass. "How ya doing Maddie?" Charlie smiles.

"I'm good Char. Except ever since you got Lorraine to help me the other day, all she does is wink and wiggle her eyebrows at me." I respond.

"What? Like this?" He wiggles his eyebrows jokingly. I laugh. "Or or... like this?" He wiggles his eyebrows and tries to wink at the same time, causing me to laugh harder. He stops and so do I, we look at each other and then burst out laughing again. 

"Oh and by the way Char," I say once we both calmed down, "your impression of a girl... spot on."

"No way." He chuckles.

"Yes way, Lorraine said the exact same thing you did when you got her to talk to me." I laugh lightly.

Gunnar's barking snaps us from the conversation and me and Charlie make our way into our new home.

"Woah slow down there Gunnar."

"Wait up!"

"Hey Kyle, check this place out."


"There it is... 1920s classic." Tom exclaims. 

"What did the Munsters give you a good price?" Sarah asks sarcastically.

"Alright the twins and Maddison and Jake share, everybody else gets their own room. Now go kill each other for the best one!" Tom shouts.

"That's great." Kate says sarcastically as she watches the kids run into the house. 

Friends Don't Look At Friend That Way | Jake BakerWhere stories live. Discover now