Chapter 13

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Dylan's party was today and we were missing it... or so I thought.

Someone bangs on mine and Jake's bedroom door so we both cautiously open it and walk out. We see Sarah at the end of the hall and all the other kids standing outside their doors.

"I'm going to Dylan's birthday party. Who's with me?" Sarah asks, confidently.

"Yeah!" We all smirk. Everyone grabs their gifts before meeting back in Mike's room to climb down his rope and head across the streets to Dylan's house.

Henry knocks on the door. "Oh!" Tina's face instantly falls at the sight of us.

"Feelings mutual, Scrooge McDuck." I snark at her before tossing my present in her face, everyone else following my example. "Guys! Don't cause too much trouble, alright?"

"Alright." They nod.

"Hey Dylan! Wanna play catch with the new ball I got you?" Jake offers.

I hit him upside his head, "Way to ruin the surprise dingus!"

"Um, my nanny'd have to check with my dad, who'd have to check with my mom, who'd say it was an inappropriate use of free time." Dylan answers.

"Hmm. Sounds like a yes to me." Jake smiles.

"Go get it Mikey." I tell the smaller boy.


A few minutes into our game, the guests start screaming about a snake. Oh no.

Within seconds, the place goes mental and is swarmed with football players. Tom's here!

I look around frantically and the first Baker's I see are the twins, Nigel and Kyle, standing on the table throwing food at the guests. I run towards them, climb up on the table and carefully place them on the floor. Two football players instantly come along and swoop the boys up and run away with them.

I look up and see an angry Tom Baker shooting me daggers from the other side of the lawn, he grabs a hold of one of his players, points at me and orders him to get me. The boy nods to his coach and charges at me, he throws me over his shoulder and brings me back to the house, where all the other Baker's were except Sarah.

"Mads!" I hear Jake's worried voice call. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Jake." I reassure him as he reaches me and stands at my side.

"Good." He says and leans in to kiss my cheek right before a big explosion coming from Dylan's house, resulting in me turning my head and Jake's lips coming in contact with my own.

We pull apart with blush dusting our cheeks and wide eyes.

"What did we do?" Jessica asks with wide eyes directed to the house.


All the younger kids gather around the phone as Sarah dials the number for the radio show Kate is currently on. "Mom? Its Sarah." "Come home immediately."

"I wanna talk to her!" Mark tries to grab the phone but knocks it out Sarah's hand, causing it to fall and break on the floor.

"Now look what you did!" Sarah says angrily.

"Its fine, give it here. I'll try fix it." Sarah shoves the broken phone in my hands before storming off with everyone else.


I'm sitting on the sofa with the broken phone in my lap and a screw driver, TV playing in front of me, Jessica and Kim plaiting each other's hair on the other sofa, Jake next to me, Sarah on the floor in front of Jake, and Charlie upstairs along with Lorraine, Henry, Mark, Mike, Nigel and Kyle.

Friends Don't Look At Friend That Way | Jake BakerWhere stories live. Discover now