Chapter 5

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"Kate!", "Dad!" Me and Jake shout as we run into their room. They were packing peacefully, talking about all the new opportunities they'll have once they move.

"Jake, Maddie. What's wrong?" Tom asks.

"Are we still gonna share a room when we move?" Jake asks frantically, I nod agreeing with his question, still a bit out of breath.

"Umm...." Tom trails of looking at his wife for help on the answer.

"I guess, there's no harm in staying together. Its up to you two. Do you want to still share?" Kate asks.

"Yes!" Jake answers quickly.

Kate laughs at his enthusiasm, "What about you Maddie? Do you want to share?"

All eyes were on me, I look at Jake with a blank expression which caused him to grow nervous. "Well obviously, how would I survive without him being there 24/7." I smile and Jake instantly took me into his embrace, he squeezes me so tight I thought I would die with the lack of oxygen, "Jake... can't... breathe." I struggle.

He let me go blushing as he mutters a small 'sorry'. I looked at Tom and Kate smiling, but my smile soon turns to a confused expression when I see the nervous look on Tom's face. "What's wrong Tommy Boy?"

"What do you mean?" Tom asks trying to brush me off by going back to packing.

"You look nervous, like yack in a bowl nervous." I give a small confused laugh.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Kate?" He states bluntly, looking to his wife for help.

"I'm sorry honey, I have to agree with Maddie. That's the same look you had when you thought you got me pregnant at 16." Kate gives a breathy laugh.

"Oh god, you don't think Mom is pregnant do you?" Jake jokes, earning a laugh from me and a flicked on the back of the head from Kate. But all Tom did was switch he gaze between me and Jake.

"What you don't think I'm pregnant, do you?" I say crossing my arms.

"What?!? N-no, no, I wouldn't allow it." Tom stutters not making eye contact with anyone.

"Honey?" Kate asks.

"So your saying if I was pregnant you'd kick me out?" I ask, getting defensive.

"I-I never s-said that." He stutters again.

"So what are you saying?" Jake chimes in.

"Look. I-I'm just a tad bit uncomfortable and worried about Jake and Maddison sharing a room." He admits still not making eye contact.

"And why's that?" I ask.

"Are you being serious, Tom?" Kate asks, understanding what he meant.

"Don't be like that Kate. Are you saying you aren't a bit worried about the possibility?" Tom questions, finally looking at his wife.

"No I'm not, because 1.They are 14, 2.They have shared for almost two years already and 3.I trust them not to do anything." Kate states confidently.

"What?!? You thought we would...?" Jake questions, earning a nod from Tom.

"Are you serious? I'm 14. I don't need a boyfriend. And I'm WAY too young for ANY of that stuff. Why now are you getting suspicious?" I say.

"I guess, you're just getting closer-" 

I cut him off, "We've always been close. Are you saying if we did end up together you wouldn't support us?"

"N-no, I-I didn't say that." He stutters.

"This is unbelievable." I state annoyed, "Yes Kate, me and Jake will be sharing room again in this new house." I say bluntly before walking out.

Friends Don't Look At Friend That Way | Jake BakerWhere stories live. Discover now