Chapter 2

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"Hey Maddie, do you want to skate to school today?" Jake asks excitedly.

"Dude, you broke your skates last week." I laugh.

"Oh yeah!" He says remembering last week events. "Well that sucks!"

"Come on, we'll just have to walk like everyone else in the world." I say dramatically placing my hand on my forehead in disbelief.

"Oh god, could you imagine ever stooping that low? I could never." He stands in deep thought for a minute whilst I brushed my teeth. "Hey! What about you take your skates and I'll take my board?" He asks excitedly, again.

"Sure thing Baker!" I smile.

"Yay!" He runs to his closet where he has his skates and board.

"I literally just told you they were broken, why are they now in your hand?" I motion towards his skates.

"I gotta tell my mom." He shrugs.

We both jog lightly down the stairs, and as we pass Kate - who was reading something on the computer - Jake calls to her, "Dude, two words: Need. New. Skates."

"Dude, three words: paper route!" She calls back laughing.

"Moron!" I flick his ear, while laughing.

"Hey!" He whines and I roll my eyes while smiling.

"Come on Jake. Breakfast time!" I cheer and run to the kitchen.

I can hear Jake laugh after me and then begin running.

"Alright! Who wants my help at their station?" I call over the loud chatter.

Because I only joined the Bakers around one and a half years ago, and they already had a routine to do basically everything, I don't have a set job. So, every time we do chores and I finish first or don't have a chore, I help one of the Bakers with theirs. They like to fight over it because then they don't have to take as much time doing their job. In the beginning I would only help Jake and on the rare occasion Charlie, but some of the other kids didn't think it was fair, so after some time of getting comfortable with everyone, I now help whoever asks first.

"Dibs!" Sarah calls before everyone else.

"Sorry guys, guess I'm helping Sarah." I smile and make my way over to Sarah and stand next to Jake to start buttering toast, whilst he makes drinks (Orange juice).

"Haha! Suck it Losers!" Sarah shouts.

Its a very organised routine in my opinion. We have the twins - Jessica and Kim- making each slice of the PB&J's, Henry slicing the sandwiches into two triangles, Mike wrapping them up and placing them in lunch bags/boxes, me and Sarah buttering toast for breakfast, Jake messing around with the drinks -trying to pour it as high as he could without making it splash-, Charlie and Tom making the scrambled eggs - Tom dancing whilst doing so-, Lorraine probably still in front over the bathroom mirror, the younger twins -Nigel and Kyle- running round with Gunnar somewhere, and Mark on some adventure doing god knows what. All in all, a great system.

Lorraine storms in, breaking my train of thought as I absentmindedly watch Jake try impress everyone. "Look! I am totally aware that this family does not value self presentation in the same obsessive way that I do."

I roll my eyes, "Here we go again." I huffed under my breath and Charlie smirks at me along with Jake and Sarah sniggering at my comment.

"Fine. Whatever. But one of my life goals, aside from being like, a fashion guru. Is to indicate to the local community that the Baker Family actually owns a bar of soap-" I cut her off. "Um, not anymore, I think I saw Gunnar and the twins eat it this morning when I walked past the bathroom."

Friends Don't Look At Friend That Way | Jake BakerWhere stories live. Discover now