Chapter 25 - Lila Rossi

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Marin's POV

"Oh Sh*t. Run!" Jason was running behind me following me as I led him around the mall. Shoot, where should we hide!? As soon as we made the corner Jason pulled me by my hand and we were now cramped in a broom closet. He immediately shut the door and we were both panting harshly. "W-Well..this beats the sewers by far.." he spoke out of breath.

Marin: Sigh, you're famous too I see.

Jason: I-I am one of the Ice Princes of Gotham. Plus I'm internet popular and famous.

Marin: Thanks..

Jason: Don't sweat it.

I slightly opened the door only to feel Jason's warm breath breathing down my neck. "Are they still there?" he whispered in my ear. Damn, it was kinda seductive. I shook my thoughts away as I answered, "There're still a few strays looking around. We'll have to wait a while." He nodded and patted my head. "Guess we'll be stuck in here for a while."

Yeah, 'Two bros stuck in a broom closet, 2 feet apart because they're NOT gay'. What could go wrong? *sarcasm* I heavily sighed and turned to him to see he was staring at me. "What?" He grinned, "Nothing." I narrowed my eyes, "Spit it out." "Nah man, it's nothing. Forget about it." I stared at him muddly, "You have five seconds..-" "I was just looking at my handsome boyfriend."

"Sure..." I sat down checking my phone to see a few messages from Mother.

Marin, where are you?

Your father and I have been looking for you.
We're concerned about your marriage.

Marin, Come Home Immediately!

I'm at the mall. Be back soon.

*sigh* That ruined my mood.. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Jason kneeling next to me. "You ok?" "Fine." I responded too quickly. He then pulled my head into his chest and began to stroke my hair. My head and heart immediately relaxed. Soon after the door swung open and someone grabbed me by my ear and pulled me out of the closet.

Marinette: YOU OWE ME!! BIG TIME!!

Marin: Ow, Ow, Ow, Ok ok, I'm Sorry But Let Me Go!!

Marinette: Mother has been BOTHERING me about you!

Marin: Yeah I'm sorry about that but would you please let me go!?

She finally released my ear and crossed her arms tapping her feet. "Hurry you two, we need to go home. There's something big going on." Marinette looked so serious and anxious. Mother must have done something.

We got back home and mother was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs with father as well.

Marin: I'm back now mother. Why did you want to see me?

Sabine: Marin, there's someone here who wishes to see you. And an old friend. Do you remember miss Rossi?

Lila: Hey Marin, it's been a while.

Marin: *mumbles* I wish it were longer...

Lila: What have you been up to as of late?

Marin: U-Um, nothing really. Why are you here?

Lila: I was just hoping we could catch up.

Marin: What for?

She giggled as she wrapped her arm around mine. I wanted to barf. "Silly, didn't your parents tell you?" I raised a brow at her comment.

Lila Rossi - She was our neighbour around the time Mari was 8 and me 16. Huge age difference I know. Marinette hated the sight of her and honestly so did I. She was always clingy and always hung around me and once I even caught her threatening to cut off Mari's hair. After that incident, our parents filed a case and soon after she moved away to another country.

But why was she back now? And what's this bullsh*t she was talking about!? "Marin, miss Rossi is here as a suitable wife for your marriage..-" I cut father off, "My answer is no." They looked stunned. Mother then spoke up as the fake b*tch started to cry. "Marin, You Haven't Seen Her In Over 8 Years And This Is How You Treat Her!?"

Marin: I'm not marrying her in this lifetime or any other for that matter!

Tom: Marin, you're 24 now. You can't be single forever. The sooner you get a wife, the sooner you can take over the business..-

Marin: But I Don't Want To Take Over Your Stupid Business Far Less Marry This Harlot!!

Mother raised her hand to hit but Marinette caught it before it landed. "That's enough of your bullcrap." And she looked pissed, But why would she stand up for me like that? "You can't keep controlling our lives for the rest of our life! I'm not putting up with it and neither is Marin. I won't tolerate this parenting any longer and neither will he."

Tom: Marinette, stay out of this.

Marinette: Oh, I've stayed out of it for too long. No more pinocchio.
And...he's taken.

Sabine: What!? By who..-

Jason: I think this is when I stand up to the in-laws.

Tom: Y-You..- You've got to be kidding me! Marin you're..-

Marin: You would've known if you'd at least pay a little attention to me. I've told you multiple times over and over but you just won't listen!

Lila: is the marriage off..?

Everyone: Get Out!!

Third Person's POV

Everyone dispersed from the waiting area of the mansion. Mari was in her room, sitting on her couch designing while Damian read a book on her bed. Just then a knock came at the door and Marin walked in. He glanced at Damian who had a book covering his face, sighing, then waltzing over to Marinette. "Hey, why did you stand up for me back there?" he asked.

She didn't reply, only stared down at her sketches. "I technically never stood up for you yet you stood up for me. Why?" She looked away, not saying a word. He heavily sighed and kneeled down next to the couch. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and head and pulled her close to her chest, hugging her. "Thanks Mari, I owe you one."

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