Chapter 3 - The Guardians

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Damian's POV

The door suddenly opened behind me and Miss Dupain-Cheng walked in as the door shut behind her. She walked forward, turning to the wall and allowed her head to slam into it. "What the.." She then turned to me with glaring eyes and spoke, "Your mother is delusional and crazy." Of course I knew that from the start but I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks that.

Damian: What did she do?

Marinette: She..wants get...Married.

What? WHAT!!??!?? First our parents already got us engaged now mother wants to finish it off by marrying us!? "Then we definitely need to escape..-" "No! I-I need to stay. There's something your mother was telling me and she didn't finish. I need to know more about the 'Guardians' she spoke of." The Guardians?

Damian: I may not know much about the Guardians and the entire history behind them and the League but I do know a bit. The Guardians were the original owners and founders of this building since the beginning of time. It was said that some fire broke out and the entire thing came down. There were no survivors. That's when we, the assassins, came in. We rebuilt this place and from that day on, we were able to see...spirits.

Marinette: Spirits... Oh, do you mean kwamis?

Damian: What are kwamis?

Marinette: I think they are the spirits you were talking about. Each with a different power. As we entered this place it felt as though my connection with it was strong, like the walls were talking to me. Or maybe it was connecting to the kwamis. Kwamis are magical beings and they are the source of my powers. They are actually floating around this room...and one is sitting upon your head.

Plagg, get off him.

Plagg: But he doesn't seem to mind.

Marinette: That's because he can't see or feel you. Remove yourself.

Trixx: Well aren't you stingy with your fiancé.

Marinette: No I'm Not! Stop it you two.

Damian: It's fine. As you said, I can't see them nor feel them.

Marinette: If you say so... Anyways, as I was saying, kwamis are magical beings and only their holder or tether to the 'mortal plain'. In any case, that's me at the moment. The fact that your mother mentioned Guardians meant that others had this similar power in the past, which I thought was strange since meta-abilities can't be passed down or shared with others unless that's the power itself.

Damian: I mean yeah of course, but do you really think that mother would tell you everything? We are talking about the same person, she is an assassin after all.

Marinette: I guess...

But just then the door opened and 6 henchmen walked in; 3 females and 3 males. The females dragged Miss Dupain-Cheng out the room while the males closed the door and walked up to me with some strange clothing in their hands. "Hey, what are you doing? Stay away from me!" "Apologies master, but Talia's orders."

Marinette's POV

Three ladies pulled me into a separate room and started removing my clothes. "Hey, get off me! Don't touch me! I-If you want me to change, I'll do it myself!" But they wouldn't listen to me and continued to strip me. Soon after they faced me to the mirror and I was stunned to see myself in weird looking garments, almost like a uniform but a dress kinda way too.

Marinette: What is the meaning of this?

Female 2: Do you not remember, mistress.

Female 3: You are to be married to the master.

Female 1: Talia's orders.

Marinette: No way in hell am I getting married to him!

They simply tied my hands and blindfolded me and gagged my mouth. They then guided me out of the room and escorted me down the corridor. What the F*ck is going on!? I heard a loud creak that sounded like the opening of a door. A few moments later further down the corridor, I almost tripped. They told me to step on up and so I did until they told me to stop.

"Welcome you two." Wait..- Is that Talia? And does that mean that Damian's here too. Someone then yanked the blindfolds off my eyes and Talia and Damian were there. We were on an altar of some sort. Wait! Are We Getting Married!?!!? Talia grinned, "Welcome to the altar you two. You will now be betrothed." She gestured to her sides and two men walked up, one that held a knife and the other which held two cups.

I looked around for the kwamis but then saw them all looked away in some cage that were restricting their powers. Sh*t! I turned back around to see Talia walking up to me with the knife in her hand. I backed away but the same females held me down. Talia then grabbed my hand and cut it. I bet down on the gagged in my mouth as blood escaped my hand and went into one of the cups that had a strange green liquid inside.

She then walked over to Damian and did the same only he didn't show any sign of distress. He is an assassin. The henchmen bandaged our hands and Talia took the cups and switched them. "Drink up." What? The ladies pulled my gag down and the men did the same Damian. "I am not drinking whatever is in those cups." I fought back but she didn't care.

They pinched my nose which forced me to breathe through my mouth and so she force-fed me the substance in the cups. She pulled away after all of it went down. "Mari..-" Was the last thing I heard before I felt my chest seize up and body stop. I harshly coughed and fell to my knees. What..w-was happening-g to me..?

Talia: It looks like your body is trying to reject the Lazarus Pit's energy. It won't be long until your body gives in.

Damian: *coughs* Mother, please stop this. She doesn't deserve this.

I curled myself into a ball as I hugged my stomach close. My vision began to blur and then everything went dark. It was cold...

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