Chapter 17 - I've Had Enough

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Damian's POV

Marinette currently had me backed against a wall. Damn, she could be scary when she wants to be. She kept asking me about the hickey but what am I supposed to say, 'Yeah, so I kissed you while I was taking you back to your room. You were asleep so I took the opportunity to imprint on you so no one else can call you theirs.' Bullsh*t.

She kept coming closer to me and I was trembling. "You have 10 seconds to answer the questions. 10...9...8..." Sh*t, She's counting down! "...5...4...3..." What Am I Supposed To Do!? "...1..-" "Alright, F*ck it! Yeah I kissed you. Happy!? I kissed you. I did it while you were sleeping in my arms, and why.. Well Sh*t, there is no why!" I blurted out.

She looked stunned then rolled her eyes. She made her way over towards the door and opened it, 5 people falling over. "You guys having fun eavesdropping on our convo?" All of them smiled while she stared at them, displeased. "*sigh* Viper, Drake, we have some work to do. Let's get this over with.." What is she talking about?

Damian: What work?

Marinette: *glares* You just stay put.

Luka: We're gonna record Nettie's new song..-

Marinette: Luka!!

Kagami: Yup.. Then we have to prepare for the..-

Marinette: Kagami. Don't. Say. Another. Word.

Trixx: Marinette has a party to go to next week Saturday. It's the party being held for 'The Reveal of MDC and Nettie and the Miraculers."

Marinette: Trixx!!

Tikki: Yup, that's why she was designing those outfits for you boys.

Plagg: She wanted to invite you but didn't know how to ask so she kept herself up late last night thinking of ways she could ask you all to go.

Stompp: It was somewhat...concerning..-

Kaalki: Concerning is an understatement. More like embarrassing..-

Marinette: Would Everyone Please Shut the Hell Up! Luka, Kagami, let's go! Now!

She yelled as she made her way over to the secret passageway to the studio. Luka gestured for us to tag along and so we did. I haven't heard any of her songs yet so this would be the first time I have ever heard her sing. She stepped inside the recording booth, putting on her headphones and clearing her throat while humming.

Todd looked like he was constipated with excitement while Grayson was cheering for her. Drake, Father, Pennyworth and I never heard any of her songs so we were kinda like...the black sheep in the herd. Moments later after having to set up, Coffaine turned on the music and so she began to sing. And damn..she was incredible.

Damian: Hey, did she write that song?

Kagami: Of course, she writes most of our songs.

Damian: Oh..

She's a lot more complex than she seems...or rather I originally thought. Gotta admit, that poker face is pretty convincing. She got out of the booth and took a glass of water from Coffaine. Todd ran up and squeezed her tightly while Grayson patted her head.

Marinette: Uhh...what's this for?

Jason: I'm Just A Really Big Fan, Pixie!

Dick: And I'm just really happy to be here.

Tim: I've never heard your songs before but after hearing that melody, I think I might tag along with Jaybird.

Bruce: I've been doing a little research on both your secret identities and I think having you as my daughter-in-law doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Orikko: And you, kid?

Everyone turned to me and I flinched. I scratched the back of my neck as I caught Marinette's gaze. She looked away then got out of Todd's grip. "Anyways, I still have some things to do for next week. Luka, submit and post that song to your manager and create my new album." he nodded. She walked straight past me and went back upstairs.

I went up after her and found her by her desk with the sketch of my suit. "May I see it?" She looked at me then back at the paper, "No, you cannot." I closed the door leading down to the studio. I quietly sneaked behind her and snatched the paper out of her hands. The sketch looked amazing. Was this..really for me..?

Third Person's POV

"Hey, Give that back to me! Damian Wayne!" she demanded. He dodged her first attempt and moved away to the other side of the room. She ran up to him and tried grabbing it back but was unsuccessful. Damian kept jogging away from her while she chased him. She pulled on his sleeve and started jumping to reach the page that was held in the air.

"Damian, Give it back to me this instant!" He chuckled, "What, But it is my design. Why can't I look at it?" But suddenly he stumbled backwards and fell over onto the bed with Marinette on top of him. They stared into the other's eyes, not deterring their gaze. Marinette blushed looking away. Damian turned them over with Marinette now under him, Damian towering over her.

"You didn't allow me to speak, Marinette. I was going to say that I was amazed by your singing. It was so beautiful. I've never heard a more magnificent, heavenly, elegant, hypnotic, *grins* sexy, cute..-" "Okay, Okay, That's enough." she interjected. He chuckled, "The point is, I'm in awe for words, Marinette." She grabbed his shirt, "Shut up.."

Is..she mad at me? Did I say something wrong? "Did I say something wrong..-" "I said Shut up, you idiot." She pulled his shirt down and so he followed, crashing into her lips. His eyes widened, stunned by what she did. He cupped her cheek, eyes slowly closing, fading into the kiss. Their lips folded over and over, Damian slipping his tongue into her mouth, Marinette moaning in response.

They soon pulled away, Marinette looking dazed with red blush painted across her cheeks. Damian gently grasped one of her hands and kissed the back of it. Marinette grabbed her hand back and looked away, the other hand covering her face. "T-That was for the..umm..the h-hickey.. I gave it back to you, so now we're equal.." He was startled at her words.

He grinned and pushed her bangs back, kissing her forehead. "I think I want to return the hickey back to you, darling." She blushed even more, her entire face was red. She pushed him away and snatched the page from the boy. The door soon opened and Tim looked at the two, Damian sitting on her couch while Marinette sat at her desk.

"Is..everything okay?" Damian nodded from behind his book while Marinette gave him a thumbs up. "Perfect..Tim.." Damian glanced at the embarrassed girl who glared right back at him. He smirked and she immediately turned back around. "Ooookkkkaaayyyy... Anyways, We were thinking about going out for dinner tonight. You two coming?"

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