Chapter 6 - Meta-Humans

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Third Person's POV - The Wayne Manor

Bruce: So it turns out that Marinette has run away from home. She used her powers to teleport or so the Agreste kid says.

Jason: Well first mistake was marrying her off to that pervy manchild.

Tim: True. But when did she go missing?

Dick: They said about 2, almost 3 days.

Tim: That's kinda a long time for a rich beauty to be away from home.

Jason: Hey demon spawn, What do you think?

Damian: Why are you asking me, Todd? As if I'd know.

Bruce: The ceremony at the League, what was that about? I feel as though you're hiding something from us.

Damian: Nothing... And if I were smart...the first place I'd check would be the 'Meta-Teen Youth Center'. Where they illegally bring and house metas and sell them off.

Tim: That's not a bad idea. But isn't that..-

Bruce: If we're going to check it out, we better leave now. Get yourselves ready, we're going to Taos.

Damian's POV

We soon arrived at the Center and were escorted in given that we are the 'Ice King and his Princes' of Gotham. I could sense that Miss Dupain-Cheng was indeed nearby but I wasn't sure where. We walked along the corridors, looking through the glasses. There were scientists experimenting on teens and kids our age. This...didn't feel right.

I looked around and stopped as I felt a tug on my chest. I turned to my left to see...Mari..- I mean Miss Dupain-Cheng being pulled by a collar around her neck, cuts and bruises all over her body, not to mention a metal gag covering her mouth. She halted and looked through the window and straight at me. We stared at each other for a while until she glared at me and continued her way behind the scientist.

I caught up to father and the others. "I saw Miss Dupain-Cheng. She's over there in that lab." Father gave me a slight nod and followed the scientist to the main office. And there he was, the head of the operations. Mr. Eduardo Dorado.

Eduardo: Mr. Wayne. It's a pleasure. What brings you here?

Bruce: Just came in for a check up. With the strange number of teens popping up as meta-humans then disappearing, I must have to assume that they have to be here if not home. I was hoping if you could show me to the most recent one that has joined you.

Eduardo: Of course, Follow me.

He led us out of his office and downstairs. He opened a door to a room that appeared to be soundproof and the glass being tinted so that persons could only see in, but from the inside they couldn't see outside. And there, buckled to a table was Miss Dupain-Cheng on the other side of the room with her gag removed.

Eduardo: She has been very uncooperative and her powers are off the chart, nothing like we've ever seen before. But she hasn't spoken to us nor responded to any of our questions. Progress has been very slow.

Bruce: It's been a while.

Marinette: *scoffs* Has it really...? *grins*

Dick: It's great to see you're doing fine, blueberry.

Marinette: What?

Jason: Oh we came up with nicknames for you, pixie-pop.

Tim: Anyways, ready to go home, cupcake?

Marinette: First off, stop calling me those stupids names and no.

Bruce: Why not?

Marinette: By now, you must've heard about the whole marriage arrangement between Agreste and I. I didn't want it and so I ran away from home, but for some reason my powers didn't really work out when I used it. That ludicrous drink your mother gave me is really messing with my powers.

Damian: Maybe you shouldn't have run away in the first place.

Marinette: Well it's nice to see that you are doing fine.

Bruce: I would like to adopt this young lady and take her off your hands.

Eduardo: Wait..- Why..-

Bruce: Well for one thing, she already has a family and is rich and her parents are lunatics who will do anything to ruin this place if they found out where she's been. Secondly, she's clearly not happy here, nor at her own home so I'll give my place a chance.
It's either that or I call the cops and tell them you are kidnapping kids after they ran away from their homes and experimenting on them.

The man flinged at what father had said. Father grinned and walked away with the scientist to sign out the adoption that he had brought with him. I turned back to Marinette who was looking out the glass window. "You see something of interest?" She shrugged, "Nah, just talking to the kwamis. Anyways, pretty boy, Mind getting me out this table?"

I heavily sighed and undid the buckles and removed her collar. She patted my head then went straight over to the door and walked out and into the hallway. She sat herself down on one of the chairs to be accompanied by Todd. "So, how are you feeling, pixie?" She shrugged with a plain poker face on. Minutes later father returned and told us all to leave.

It was now official... Miss Dupain-Cheng...was my new...


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