Chapter 2 - The Proposal

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Third Person's POV

Here are the terms of the agreement, we take the girl and the boy and no one gets hurt.

Everyone stood close together in their little groups scattered across the hall. The woman removed her mask and revealed a middle aged woman with green eyes almost identical to Damian's. Marinette then spook up, "Who are you and what do you want with me?" She exhaled then replied, "I am Talia Al Ghul and I am here to take you and my son back to the League."

Everyone turned their attention to the young Wayne with widened eyes and gasps.

Damian: Mother, you sent me off to live with father and now you want me to return to the League. For what purpose?

Talia: If you come with me, you will see..-

Marinette: Fine, I'll go with you. But, on a few conditions.

Damian: can't be..-

Talia: Those are?

Marinette: Condition 1, first you must let everyone here go and not cause them any harm. Condition 2, you must not hurt my parents nor family ever again.

Talia: Fine. But I have a condition to go with those two.

Marinette: Go on...

Talia: You must go quietly with us and do as we say no matter what.

Marinette: ...Agreed.

Tom: Marinette, you can't be serious?

Sabine: If you leave then..-

Marinette: For once in your life would you two just trust me!

She glared at them then sighed, "Let's go." Talia smiled then told her henchmen to get rid of the persons at the ball, but not without threatening them. "If you all speak a word of this to anyone, then we will kill you." Once everyone was out, it was just me and Damian's family. "Come on you two, let's take our leave." Marinette walked down the steps to be followed by the henchmen who were surrounding her.

Damian took one look at Bruce before leaving as well. They exited the building and left in a helicopter taking off.

Damian's POV

On the ride back to the League, Miss Dupain-Cheng seemed really calm about all this. "Hey, aren't you the least bit...concerned about this?" She shrugged and continued to look out the window. "I've been in worse situations before so it's all fine. I should be asking you, How does it feel to have an assassin mother?" I scoffed. "What difference is it to me when I'm one too."

Her head swiftly turned around and watched me closely. "You don't seem like an assassin. But anything's possible. Say me, I'm a meta human." She's a what? "Does anyone..-" "My family knows and my friends but no one else. But now you know and it seems that your mother knew as well." She sat back in her seat and began to hum a tune. "Oh, and I'm Nettie and MDC as well. Forgot to mention."

I hate to be this person but... Who The Heck Is That!? I didn't want to make this awkward so..I didn't really ask about it. I looked out of my window to see the League's headquarters getting closer. We landed and we departed the aircraft. I walked around to see Miss Dupain-Cheng ripping a slit up her dress. "W-What are you doing?"

Marinette: I can't keep walking in this forever.

Damian: You couldn't have waited until we got inside?

Marinette: No. Plus my feet are hurting.

Damian: *sigh* Jesus lord, stop.

I walked over to her and picked her up. "What are you..- Put me down!" "Stop your squabbling." I took her down the stairs and followed mother to 'our' room. Once we were in she winked at me while I rolled my eyes. I placed Miss Dupain-Cheng down and she went straight over to the bed and laid down. I went back over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked.

Damian: *sigh* Looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while...

Marinette: Cool.

Damian: What do you mean 'Cool'?

Marinette: This is better treatment than I've ever gotten back home at the mansion. I'm ok with this.

Damian: You're okay with living amongst assassins, being kidnapped and okay with the whole arranged marriage fiasco?

Marinette: Oh Heavens no! That whole marriage thing can suck a fart. I-It's just terrible. So how does it feel to be back home?

Damian: Similar.

Marinette: Hmm. Must be nice.

Damian: So what are your powers?

Marinette: I have more than at least 10..-

Damian: What?

Marinette: Yup. I'm 'special'. Or so my parents say.

I walked over to the window and looked up at the sky. Those stars...were the only things I missed from this place. It was beautiful. Then the door suddenly opened and mother came in. "Guardian, come with me." Miss Dupain-Cheng got up and narrowed her eyes. "Why do you keep calling me Guardian?" "Come with me to find out."

Marinette's POV

This place was so big. It's almost like a maze. Corridor after turn after hallway. We finally stopped in front of a huge door. Talia opened it and inside was dark. A small blast of breeze came through sending chills up my spine. She told me to follow her inside and so I did along with the kwamis. When the lights came on, she turned to me.

Talia: So you really are the Guardian.

Marinette: What are you talking about?

Talia: Those floating creatures beside you.

What..- She Can See Them!? How? "How can you see them?" "This room was built by the Guardians, your meta ancestry. Your powers were passed down from generation to generation. The most powerful meta-abilities to exist." I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, "So you kidnapped me because you wanted my powers?" She chuckled.

Talia: No darling. It isn't the power we're after. No ordinary human can administer that many powers even after a transfer. We want..- no, We need you.

Marinette: To do what?

Talia: Well, for starters, I need you to...

Marry my son.

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