(un)Happy Uncle

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After 3 months passed since you and Inumaki made love (or fucked, whatever you prefer saying- I don't judge... this is judgement free zone), you two had learned quite a bit.

For starters, you're actually pregnant. That wasn't really much of a shock- you two were expecting it after that night.
Another thing was that the pregnancy symptoms/hormones are a bitch. You and Inumaki have dealt with nothing but stress from the mood swings, morning sickness, pains, and food cravings. The two of you had already lost plenty of sleep and were desperate for a break.

Unfortunately, being sorcerers (especially higher ranked sorcerers) doesn't allow for break very often. And that's something Inumaki has been fretting over.

"What if you overwork yourself? Maybe you should go on maternity leave now. Stress isn't good for the baby."

"Yeah, so you should calm down." You had been watching as he paced around the room for the past 25 minutes, listening to him worrying over you and your unborn baby.

Inumaki stopped and looked at you, heading over to the bed and putting his head on your lap. "I'm sorry. I just can't help but worry about you and the baby."

"I understand Toge. But we also have another problem to focus on."

He tensed. "What is it?"

"We can't keep this a secret forever. The others are already getting suspicious with how you've been acting with me going on missions. And Omi deserves to know."

He nodded, head still on your lap. "Your right. When should we tell them?"

"Tomorrow night at me and Omi's house."

He nodded, grabbing one of your hands with his own. "I love you." He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it.

You gave him a warm smile. "I love you too."

Kiyoomi looked at you with a raised brow. "Why did you suddenly come here with everyone else?"

"Is someone dead?!"

"Shut up Atsumu." Suna and Osamu glared at the fake blond.

You and Inumaki looked at each other nervously while everyone else in the room (Kiyoomi, the Miya twins, Suna, Okkotsu, Panda, Maki, Fushiguro, Itadori, Kugisaki, and Gojo) looked at you two expectantly.

"Yeah, what's this all about?" Maki crossed her arms over her chest.

You gave a nervous smile, facing all of them while holding Inumaki's hands. "First, Omi. Can you promise to not get mad or try to kill someone?"

That's never a good sign- they all know it. Kiyoomi sighed, sitting back in his seat. "I'll be sitting here doing nothing the entire time."

Suna snickered. "Why so serious? It's not like your pregnant or something."

You and Inumaki shared a look, eyes wide.

This caught the others' attention. Kiyoomi sat straight up. "Y/n. What's that look for?"

I chuckled nervously, your grip on Inumaki's hand becoming tighter. "What if I told you I'm pregnant?"

Kiyoomi was boiling on the inside, bht remained calm for you. "Are you?"

"Umm does 3 months sound pregnant to you?"

Your twin just stared at you blankly. "3 months?"

You nod. "Yes."

"You've been pregnant for 3 months... and you just now decide to tell me?"

"That is what happened."

He sighed, shaking his head and looking at the floor. "I don't even know what to do or say anymore. This was the last thing I expected from you two. I'm not disappointed, just a little pissed, but mainly concerned about your health and ability to actually care for a child. Did you two even think any of this through?"

You looked him in the eyes, becoming very serious. "I'm gonna be completely honest with you, Omi. It was a spur of the moment kinda thing."

Mans facepalmed so hard, everyone in the house could've heard it. "Has going to a different school and doing all those missions killed your brain cells?"

"It could be a possibility." You were being dead serious.

"That doesn't happen!" Gojo didn't like the comments being exchanged between you and your brother.

Atsumu just looked at you- expression somewhere between shocked and happy. "Well, uh, congrats on yer pregnancy Y/n. I think ya'll make a great mom."

"Thanks Tsumu."

It was Inumaki's turn to squeeze your hand. "My baby."

You internally rolled your eyes. "You're acting like a baby, Toge. Start acting like a dad."

Suna, being the joker he is, had wanted to joke about the meeting being a pergnancy- the fact that it was true didn't shock him, he only found the whole situation hilarious. He stood up, grabbing his bag, and walked over to you and Inumaki.

You tipped your head to the side, looking at him with a confused expression. "Is something wrong, Rin?"

He grabs several books from his bag and handed them to you. "I bought these as a joke. I had planned to joke and say this was a pregnancy book and wanted to embarass you two by giving you multiple different parenting books. Looks like the joke backfired a bit- guess you two might actually need this now."

You and your baby daddy grabbed the books, scanning the covers. "Thans Rin. Where did you even find these?"

"Online. Been wanting to get them so I could use them as a joke with someone, but now it looks like they'll seriously be put to good use."

You and Inumaki nodded, thanking him again before he sat back down. "Uh, so... that was all we had to say."

Kiyoomi simply shook his head. "Maternity leave. Now."

Inumaki nodded enthusiastically. He was clearly already in agreement with that.

You did not agree- Not. One. Bit. "What? No. I won't need to for like, 4 more months."

Kiyoomi glared. "It wasn't a suggestion. I'm telling you what's gonna happen."

You looked at your baby daddy. "Hey, you're the baby daddy- how do you feel about Kiyoomi bossing me around?"

Inumaki looked at you with an apologetic smile. "I agree with Kiyoomi."

"Traitor." You turned your back to him and pouted.

Kiyoomi wasn't having any of your bullshit. "Y/n, even Inumaki agrees you should be resting instead of risking your life, and the baby's life as well. Don't hurt Inumaki's feelings just cuz he wants whatever is best fo you and the baby."

Inumaki, upon hearing your comment and seeing you turn your back to him, felt upset- like he did something wrong. He remained silent, not even thinking a single thing.

You glanced over at him, feeling guilty. You let out a side. "Ok, I'll do whatever you two feel is best for me and the baby."


"Yeah, love?"

"I'm sorry about earlier."

"Don't worry about it. I'm no longer upset about that."

"I love you, Toge."

"I love you to, Y/n."

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