Hugs and Cuddles 😊💜

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You sighed as you stood in the kitchen, alone- meaning you weren't wearing a mask. You were the only one willing to make food for the entire group. Osamu, the only other person who could cook well, wanted to hang with the Jujutsu students. Everyone else was either too lazy, or wanted to hangout. Inumaki wanted to keep an eye on Atsumu, so he's with the others watching the fake blond like a hawk.

"If I just walk out with the knife and start threatening... maybe one of them would help?" You thought aloud.

There was a soft giggle that came from behind you. "Salmon."

You whipped around and smiled at Inumaki. "Wanna help unless the jerks?"

He nodded, a sweet smile plastered on his face. "Salmon." He stood beside you and start helping with dinner.

You turned and look at him. "Thanks."

He looked over at you, his smile getting bigger. "No need to thank me. I'm willing to do anything for you.... Even at the cost of my life."

Your smile fell slightly at that last part. "I don't want you to die, not even if it's for me. If I survived and you died, I'd feel really sad and lonely, Toge." You gave a small, sad smile.

Inumaki frowns. "I was just saying.... I'm not actually gonna die.... But I'm serious when I said I'm willing to do anything for you."

You chuckle softly. "I appreciate it, Toge." You move closer and wrap your arms around him, placing your head gently against it- letting it rest on his shoulder.

He hugged you back, nuzzling his face into your hair. "I'm always gonna be here for you. You don't need to thank me for anything. I do everything for you because I want to."

Your heart skipped a beat and you suddenly felt warmer. 'Weird.... Why did my heart do that? Why do I suddenly feel warmer? Oh right, I'm hugging Toge. He's always so warm. I like it. I like how warm he is, how nice he is... I even like is smell. He smells good... it's comforting- Toge is a comforting person. He's my comfort.'


You startle when you hear his voice calling your name. You pull away slightly to make eye contact, only to see him looking st you with concern written all over his face. "Y-yeah Toge?"
'Why did I stutter?'

He brushed some of your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. "Are you ok? You seemed distracted. Were you thinking about something?"

Your face still felt kinda warm, but you proceeded to nod. "I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"What were you thinking about?" His expression was soft- he was being gentle to keep you comfortable.

"You." You answer honestly, not feeling the need to lie or hide it from him.

His cheeks were dusted by a light pink color- which were visible to you since he wasn't wearing a collar or anything to cover his face. "Me? Why me?"

"Cuz you're always so comforting to be around. Did you know you're warm and always smell nice?"

His blush darkened, he brought his face closer to yours and rested his forehead against yours. "You.... Y/n, you really think that? Do I really comfort you?"

You giggled at his actions and sudden change in behavior. "Of course. I always feel so calm and hapoy around you. And if I didn't find you comforting or a pleasure to be around, I probably wouldn't be hugging you right now. Are you feeling alright though? Your face is kinda red."

He looked lovingly into your eyes- something you didn't pick up on. "I'm fine. Just... really really happy."

"That's good. Let's get back to making dinner now."

He nodded and you two pulled away, your attention going back to making dinner. As much as he wanted to kiss you in that moment, Inumaki held hinself back. He didn't want to ruin what you two currently have- things had to move at your pace, not his. He really didn't even want you to know how he feels, too worried that you'd end up distancing yourself from him like with Atsumu.

He couldn't let that happen. Not now, not ever.

"How is Y/n such a good cook?!"

You just stared at Itadori, who was giving nonstop compliments to you. "I've cooked for like my whole life?"

You kept receiving compliments on your cooking from everyone, except Kiyoomi since he's always been able to eat the food you cook. Then you remembered a specific detail about tonight's meal.

"You know... Toge helped me make dinner. If you're gonna compliment anyone on dinner, you should also be complimenting him."

Said boy, who was sitting beside you, blushed at your statement and stopped eating. He shook his head quickly. "Bonito flakes."

You giggled, nudging him with your elbow. "You did help. I think you deserve some credit."

Kiyoomi, who sat on your other side, was the first to comment. "Thank you, Inumaki. The food is very good, I appreciate you helping Y/n. Even if she says it's no big deal or wasn't a problem, she works hard on preparing meals and tends to do too much on her own."

You whipped around to face him. "Ayo?! Maybe, can you not expose me like that?!"

Your brother gave you a blank stare. "I'm just saying. And you wantes him to receive some credit, right?" He smirked, knowing he just used your own words against you.

"If we weren't germaphobes, we'd be fighting like the Miya twins."

"I bet we would." He rolled his eyes and went back to eating.

You rolled your eyes and turned back to Toge with a smile. "But yeah, I really appreciated you helping out.... Unlike SOME people." You shot a glare to people that can cook that simply refused to help you (mainly Osamu cuz I live for Miya slander in this ff).

Inumaki smile back. "Really, you don't need to thank me. I really wanted to help. That's what friends do, right?" He'd be lying if he said it didn't hurt him to refer to you as just a "friend", but that's what he was willing to put up with in order to achieve tbe results he's aiming for in the long run.

"Yup! That's exactly what friends do, Toge! We help each other out!" Again, you shot a glare at Osamu the traitor.

The rest of dinner went by well. There was light conversation, and everyone was in a good mood. Kiyoomi took care of cleanup, allowing you to go shower and prepare for bed.

"Oh! Toge, you already showered?"

He nodded. "Kiyoomi let me use his bathroom. He said other than you and himself, I'm the cleanest person here."

You chuckled, climbing onto your bed. "Did you bring your towel and other toiletries back with you?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You can keep them in my bathroom. I was planning to let you use my bathroom when I finished either way. Just share with me while you're staying here. We are sharing my room and bed anyways."

He nodded, quickly going to put his things in your bathroom before coming back into the room and sitting on your bed. "Thanks. So... how is sleeping in the same bed gonna work out?"

Inumaki felt nervous to be sharing a bed with you. More so since it was in your house- anyone could open the door and see everything. He didn't want to deal with the others saying or doing anything if they were to catch you two in the same bed.

You smiled, putting a hand on one of his. "Easy! We're cuddling!"

Before Inumaki could react, you had pulled him fully onto the bed. There was no room left in between you two. You pulled the covers over you two and fully laid down, facing Inumaki while smiling.

"Goodnight, Toge."

He smiled warmly. "Goodnight, Y/n. Sleep well."

You and Inumaki wrapped your arms around each other and remained close- no space left in between your bodies. And that's how you two fell asleep: embracing each other happily.

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