Teasing and Flustered

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"Why did we have to go on patrol? I thought this was only for the first years." Maki questioned Gojo with irritation laced in her voice.

The tall, blindfolded teacher just let a grin spread on his lips. "There was nothing else for you second years to do. And I wouldn't want my students from last year to be bored. None of the other staff had any problems with me getting you all to stretch your legs with this patrol. And what's the problem? Aren't you all enjoying this?"

"I think Y/n and Inumaki are the only ones enjoying this combined patrol." Kugisaki pointed out, speaking with a flat tone.

It was true: you and Inumaki were happy you'd be able to spend the day together, even if it was just for a patrol. Originally, the patrol was suposed to be omly the first years, meaning Inumaki would've had to stay back at the school while you helped with patrol. Luckily for you two, Gojo decided to see if the second years were free and brought them along upon finding out the second years had nothing to do. So yes, you two were happily walking together and talking through telepathy while holding hands.

"You two look like a couple!" Gojo teased the two of you, a ridiculously big smirk on his face.

You two blushed, cutting your conversation off completely and looked away from each other.

"Do not."

"Bonito flakes."

Gojo only felt more inclined to tease the two of you. "Aww, come on! Don't be shy now- give a little kiss!"

You + Inumaki= two extremely ripe tomatoes.
(And my math is never wrong 😌💅)

"We're not dating." 'Yet.' You think.

Gojo - even with that blindfold - was obviously looking at your connected hands. "Explain the hand-holding then."

You didn't want to say you liked Inumaki, but it would also hurt to call him your "friend" since you really like him as more than a friend. You shrugged. "Cuz why not? It feels nice. Got a problem with it? Jealous that no one will hold your hand?" You just had to give a snappy comment back.

Gojo frowned. "Not jealous of my students. Damn, does teasing not work on you, Y/n?"

"Talk to Rin and the twins about it. Actually, add Komori and Omi into that convo. You might learn shit." You continued walking, almost pulling Inumaki along with you.

Said boy had a smile on his face, still blushing since you two are still holding hands. "Do you really like holding my hand, Y/n?"

You grinned at him from under your mask. "Of course I do, Toge! I wouldn't be holding your hand if I didn't like it."

"You two really do look and act like a couple." Okkotsu joined you two, walking on your left side (Inumaki's on your right and holding your right hand).

You turned to look at the dark haired boy. "Do we really?"

"Yeah. But it's not a bad thing. It actually works in your favor, Y/n."

"How so?"

Okkotsu smiled. "Guys won't hit on you if they think you have a boyfriend. And it's obvious that you hate it when strangers come up to you and start flirting."

You snorted. "Yeah, especially when they're so fucking persistent and won't take 'no' for an answer. Those kinds of people that can't take the damn hint really piss me off."

"Salmon." Inumaki agreed with you.

Maki and Panda walked right behind you and Inumaki. "When's the wedding?" Maki teased.

The two of you turned crimson. You glared at her. "There's no wedding. Knock it off."

Panda chuckled. "Right, it's far too soon for a wedding. Where are you two having your date?"

"Bonito flakes!" Poor Inumaki looked redder than a tomato.

Maki smirked. "Ok, ok. But tell us if the kissing is good."

You groaned. "I wish I let that curse kill me." You grumbled under your breath, tired of the teasing.

Inumaki heard your comment and gave your hand a slight squeeze. "Please don't say or think anything like that again, Y/n."

His concern made your heart flutter. "S-sorry. I'm just getting real sick of all their teasing. Can't two people just be close and affectionate with each other? What's so wrong about that?"

"That's just them being stupid.... And maybe jealous since none of them have anyone to act like this with. You and I just like each other a lot and happen to like being physically affectionate. There's definitely nothing wrong with that."

A smile spread across your lips, reaching your eyes- which began sparkling so brightly. You felt your face heating up more, your heart racing. "Hey, Toge.... After this patrol, maybe... did you want to go get dinner or something together?"

"I'd love to!" He smiled brightly, eyes closed.

The two of you continued with the rest of the patrol, smiling and holding hands. Nothing excited you both more than the thought of going to dinner together later that day. It would be something of a date.

This chapter feels kinda short (like me lol)

I just really ran out of ideas and decided to end it here.

Unfortunately I don't plan on writing up a date chapter... yet. I wanna wait till things progress further- it'll end up being closer to the end of this book (whenever that'll be).

Hope y'all enjoyed and will keep enjoying.

Until next time!

Author-chan out!

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