Two Halves

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Hey, lookie here
Another sweet flashback!

"Woah! Samu, look! Twins!"

You narrowed your eyes at the fake blond that just shouted. "Omi. They look identical. But is the grey haired one just as loud and intolerable as the blond?"

Kiyoomi snickered. "Hope not."

You guys just started your first year of high and just met a volleyball team from the Hyogo prefecture. You and your twin brother were keeping a distance from the others- your signature glares with your mask covered faces were easily visible. Well, you two had been keeping a distance. That was until the identical twins- the Miya twins- approached you. Well, the blond one approached and dragged his twin brother along.

The grey haired twin, "Samu", looked directly at you- he ignored your taller twin brother. "Don't compare me to the obnoxious piss head, please." His voice was quieter, he didn't seem to be as outgoing as his twin.

Your eyes sparkled for a fraction of a second- the grey haired boy was the only one who got to see (Atsumu was sulking after your snarky comment, and Kiyoomi was glaring at the new set of twins). "I'm Sakusa Y/n. This is my older twin brother, Sakusa Kiyoomi. Call me by firdt name so we don't get mixed up, ok?"

The boy nodded. "Miya Osamu. The dumbass piss head is my older twin, Atsumu. We both go by our first names, so it'll be easier to tell us apart." Unlike most people, Osamu didn't hold his hand out for a handshake.

You immediately thought he'd make a good friend- quiet, respectful, polite, and most importantly he won't try touching you (perfect). "Nice to meet you Osamu."

Kiyoomi was still giving a glare, you nudged him and gestured to Osamu. He took the hint. "Nice to meet you... germ."

The Miya twins just stared in surprise. With the same expression, it really is uncanny that they're twins. The only difference between them is their hair. "Um, excuse us, but... what did he just say?"

You sighed while shaking your head, which was bowed slightly so you'd be looking at the ground. "I'm sorry about Omi-omi. We're both germaphobes, but he tends to be a bit more rude to people and calls everyone a germ... especially to their faces. Omi, apologize."

Unfortunately for you, Sakusa Kiyoomi is stubborn as hell. "No. These germs need to stay away from us, especially you."

Overprotective Omi-omi mode: activated.

You look at the identical boys with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry about him- wait why especially me?!"

"Cuz you're my younger sister, duh. I'm protecting you from germs like them."


"Get away from the obnoxious germs now, Y/n." Kiyoomi grabbed your hand and began pulling you away from the Miya twins.

Once you two were far enough away from everyone else, Kiyoomi sat you down in a clean area and took a seat beside you.

An older boy with white hair and black tips slowly approached you two. "Hello, Sakusa twins. I'm a second year wing spiker for Inarizaki High, name is is Kita Shinsuke. I came over to apologize for Atsumu and Osamu's behavior. They had already been given a warning to leave you two and didn't listen. I hope you two aren't too upset."

Kiyoomi scoffed. "Keep those germs away from my sister."

"I can do that. I'm sorry again." He bowed.

Mute and GermaphobeWhere stories live. Discover now