"Bonito flakes"

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{In this chapter, when Inumaki says "Bonito flakes" he means "no". Just in case ya don't pick up on it. I want ya to understand this part a bit better. It's kinda like a filler but still kinda important within the plot. Enjoy! 😊}

"Hey, Y/n! Psst! Over here!"

You turned towards the source of the voice, seeing Panda. You walked over to him. "What's up, Panda?"

He sighed. "I think something's wrong with Toge?"

"Inumaki? What could be wrong?"

Panda shook his head, clearly upset that something might be wrong with cursed speech user. "Not sure. But we all think something happened."

You nodded, beginning to walk away. "I'll go find him and see what's up."

It's funny, within a short amount of time, you grew to understand Inumaki better than anyone else at Jujutsu High. People found it kinda odd, and others wanted to ship the two of you. You didn't really understand it and constantly denied any romantic feelings between the two of you. Inumaki and you had formed a close bond- a very strong relationship, in which you say is strictly "friendship" and "partnership for sorcerer work" that no one fully believed- and the two of you often spend free time together, unless the guys want you to hang with them if they're available.

Looking for Inumaki is an easy feat for you, it's almost like the two of you are telepathically connected- you somehow know where the other is at all times. And, like you had already known, Inumaki was sitting in an empty flower field underneath a lone tree.

You walked up to him and sat down. "Hey, Inumaki. What's up?"

"Bonito flakes."

You looked at him, confused. He never responds to your greetings that way. "Uh, what?"

"Bonito flakes." He repeated.

You raised a brow, unsure of what he means. "Um.... Do you wanna go hangout?"

"Bonito flakes."

You winced slightly. He's never turned down one of your invitations. "Is something wrong?"

Inumaki refused to look at you, or move a muscle. "Bonito flakes."

You furrowed your brows. "Why do you keep repeating 'bonito flakes'?"

"Bonito flakes."

By this point, his constantly repeating the same phrase was getting on your nerves, but you refused to show it. "Do you want me to go?"

"Bonito flakes."

'He wants me to stay with him then?'
"Well, how about we get food?"

"Bonito flakes."

"You want to stay here, then?"

"Bonito flakes."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Bonito flakes."

You sighed. "I'm not understanding you right now."

Your phone went off and you saw a text pop up.

Big baby

Wanna hang?

Bonito flakes


My senpai, Inumaki, won't stop saying bonito flakes

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