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You flop onto your bed after showering and changing. Your door opens and closes, quiet footsteps approach before another weight is added onto the bed. You turn your head and see Inumaki.

You smile at him. "Hey, Toge. Wanna cuddle?"

He smiled and nodded his head, adjusting himself on the bed so he was laying beside you. "Is... is it ok if I ask what happened with that curse when you were alone with it?" He looked at you with purple orbs filled with concern.

You sighed, moving closer and putting your head against his chest. "I let my gaurd down. I was in deep thought over the situation and that fucking curse laid its hands on me."

"How? H-how did it touch you?"

"It wrapped its disgusting arms aroubd my waist and pulled me close to its body. Then it touched my uncovered face while saying words, in an attempt to seduce me I guess. It fucking grabbed my mask and destroyed it. I simply placed my bare palms against its chest and used my matter manipulation to exorcise it. That's all. I just felt so disgusting with that whole thing. I wished it had been Maki or Nobara, but I don't think it would've worked if one of them went instead of me."

"Why wouldn't it have worked?"

You let out a sigh. "The curse had already shone an attraction to me. I doubt it would've let one of the other girls go with it to a provate room. How everything happened- that was the only plan that was able to work. I ran through other possible plans, but in the end they all had something about them that would've led to a failure."

Inumaki caressed your hair, his head against the top of yours. "True. But something could've gone wrong this time. It was reckless to go in by yourself like that. What if something had happened? I was so worried that the curse would do something to you."

You felt tears pricking your eyes, realizing how close you were to being taken advantage of by a curse. "I know." Your voice only came out as a whisper. "I was scared when it started touching me. Anything could've happened and I was lucky that I exorcised it before it could go any further than just touching me the way it was."

The boy beside you moved your head to look into your teary eyes, using his thumbs to wipe the falling tears away. "It's ok now, Y/n. Even though 10 minutes was a short amount of time, you told us that if you hadn't returned within that amount of time to come and assist you. All of us were preparing for worst case scenarios- such as it raping you or it killing you. You don't know how relieved I was- how relieved we all were- when we saw you perfectly alright wjile the curse was gone."

You pulled yourself closer to him, arms wrapped tightly around him. "Don't... don't let me get into another situation like that, Toge." You buried your face into his chest, hiding it while trying to calm down.

You're not one to just breakdown so easily. Only when something you consider traumatic happens, will you enter such a vulnerabke state. Within the course of roughly a month (cuz author-chan can't remeber her own timeline 🙄), you've broken down twice. And both times Inumaki had been there to comfort you while you're at your most vulnerable.

Inumaki continued to rub your back and stroke your hair, understanding that this is becoming too much for you to handle. "I kind of wished you hadn't been dragged into any of this. If you and Gojo never met that day, you wouldn't be feeling any of this. But, at the same time, I'm selfish and don't want you to leave me and the world of Jujutsu. I've had so much fun and have never been happier than when youre around. I can't imagine living without you now."

It was risky, but Inumaki decided to take the chance and let some of his feelings out. He just can't keep all of it in anymore- not after everything that's been going on lately. If he doesn't start letting things out, he might not be able to bear with what the future might bring.

You smiled at his words. "I've never had so much fun before becoming so close to you, Toge. I don't really like going on missions if we aren't a team. I'm really happy because of you, Toge. I don't know how I ever could've lived without you by my side like you are now. I've changed so much with you, and I really like this."

Inumaki blushed at your words, snuggling closer to you. "I'll always be wherever you want me to be, Y/n. I'll do anything and everything you want. I want to always be by your side. Not even death can tear me away from you."

Kind of a roundabout confession- not saying "I like you as more than a friend" or "I love you", but still expressing his feelings. Inumaki had to let you know just how important you are to him- all without straight up confessing his romantic feelings for you. You needed to know this.

And this is the turning point to your own feelings- or at least your awareness of them. What might happen if you become less dense and start paying more close attention to your feelings? What happens when you take notice of all the little things- all the interactions you share with others? What will surface?

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Super!
(Jk jk, needed to make a quick joke there).

So uh... pretty cute, sweet, and fluffy right?

How would you feel if I killed someone off? 👀
Just asking for a friend

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