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Inumaki's eyes widened. 'Could Y/n lose even with her cursed technique? Is she really gonna lose because she's weaker than Yuta?'

Without knowing what the people watching were talking about, you and Okkotsu began your mock battle. You watched as he unsheathed a sword, pointing it at you.

You tipped your head to the side. "What's the sword for? What about Rika?"

Okkotsu just continued looking at you with an expressionless face. "I use both."

That didn't comfort you, especially when you saw him charging towards you. 'Shit!'

Thankfully, you had played volleyball with a bunch of guys throughout your life. You thanked that experience for giving you great reflexes, along with perfect physical abilities.

You had been able to dodge, remaining untouched by Okkotsu and his blade and Rika. You landed on the ground slowly, using your technique to control the gravity around you. Due to this, you were completely unharmed.

Okkotsu turned to you and grinned. "Nice reflexes. You're pretty fast too. Volleyball did you some good."

You smirked. "Thanks. I've also got plenty of muscle and strength to physcially fight you. But I'd prefer to not touch anyone or anything. Don't like running the risk of getting germs."

He nodded. "Understandable. But, I don't want to lose, so you might get a little dirty."

You frowned, making sure as much of your skin was covered up. "Ew." Your face scrunched up in disgust.

Inumaki, from where he was watching on the sidelines, giggled at your expression and reaction to Okkotsu's statement. 'It's just like her to be disgusted at the mention of germs and dirt. Her expression is kinda cute....'

Panda peered over at him. "What's funny, Toge?"

He replied without taking his eyes off you. "Cod roe."

Okkotsu was studying you, unaware that you could hear his thoughts while he was attempting to strategize. "She's good, but I don't think she's used her matter manipulation against me. I'm not sure what the full extent of her technique is, the limitations are something I'm uncertain of. Maybe if I use Rika while attacking her myself simultaneously, she won't be able to keep up. I think she can only mainpulate one thing at a time."

You smirked under your mask. 'Oh, how wrong he is. He's at a disadvantage since he doesn't know that everything is matter, meaning I can manipulate anything- no limitation there. Good thing he doesn't know I can control more than one thing at a time. Unfortunately for me, I haven't trained with it for my entire life, so this is bound to be draining. I might only have a 20, maybe 30 second timeframe if I decide to stop both at the same time. That might be my best bet- if not, I'll be touched and could potentially run the risk of getting hurt. Well, it's decided: I'll be reckless and hope for the best.'

Rika was charging you head-on, Okkotsu nowhere in sight. You eyes widened slightly. 'Behind me!'

Within a split second, both Rika and Okkotsu were only a meter away from you, about to attack. You held one hand out towards Rika, your other palm facing Okkotsu- you activated your technique and caused them to freeze. You controlled the air and jumped, getting far off the ground and solidifying the air beneath your feet. In a sense, you were floating. But with your technique, you still had solid ground beneath your feet- a strong foothold.

You looked down at Rika and Okkotsu, who were no longer under your control. They looked around for you frantically, not fully understanding what had just happened within that split second.

"Up here." You called for their attention, giving a small wave. "I think you underestimated me a bit Okkotsu. When it comes to matter, there's little to no limitations in what I'm able to control, nor how much I can have control over."

You purposely left out the time issue, considering they outclassed you and Rika was larger in size, the amount of time you had to control them was limited. You knew you didn't stand a chance against them in a real fight. Even though you've made it seem like you have the upper hand, you know that you'll lose the moment you get back into both of their range. For now, it was safer to remain in an area where you can manipulate one thing at a time- there will be no time limit with that.

Okkotsu seemed impressed, not picking up on your actual limitations. "Seems like I should surrender then. I think you're the stronger one here." He released Rika and sheathed his sword.

You left out a breath, slowly lowering yourself to the ground. 'I don't count that as a victory. He surrendered, but I know he's far more powerful than me. In reality, I lost.' Your feet touched the ground and you felt relieved, finally not having to use your cursed energy anymore.

Gojo and the others were definitely impressed with this. "Maybe she's special grade level already."

No one realized you heard that statement, which had caused you to frown upon the words hitting your ears. 'No. If anything, I just barely match Inumaki's level. I'm easily a grade two, it might be a stretch to say I'm a semi grade one.'

Of course, your self-evaluation was a bit low. You were easily equals with Inumaki, but you simply needed to train more and improve your matter manipulation. Your current level: semi grade one sorcerer. And little did you know, one sorcerer had already put in that recommendation to make you an official semi grade one sorcerer- someone that you haven't officially met that's been watching you from the sidelines.

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