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Gasping, Izuku charged after his closest friend. "Kacchan! Wait up! I can't keep up!" Huffing, Izuku ignored the pain in his lungs, his legs feeling weak. "Kacchan!"

Screaming caused Katsuki to stop. "Izuchan?!" Charging back, Katsuki searched the woods for his missing friend- growing ever more panicked the longer he ran. "Izuku!"


Katsuki spun, letting out a sigh of relief when he spotted his friend. Izuku was hunched over himself, his hand pressed against his lips. Katsuki rushed over, pushing Izuku up as he looked over him. Blood covered Izuku's hand and collar but Katsuki couldn’t work out where it came from. 

"I can't... breathe..."

It was at that point that Katsuki noticed the irregular and fast breaths Izuku was taking. His eyes widened, remembering one of Inko's asthma attacks. That's it, Izuku must have asthma just like Auntie Inko did. "Come on, I'm taking you to get help." Katsuki pulled Izuku onto his back, carrying him away. Katsuki never moved so fast and he has never been so terrified. "Mum! Auntie Inko! Help!"


The doctor sighed as he walked out of the room. He could see the green-haired lady that must be the boy's mother and the small blonde who had found him. "Ms Midoriya?"

Inko jumped up, charging at the doctor. "How is he?! What's wrong with him?! Will he be okay?!" Inko knew she was panicking but that must be allowed. Her child could be dying!

"We've got him stable, however... while conducting our tests, we found something."

Inko gasped, covering her mouth as Mitsuki came to her side. "What did you find?"

The doctor lowered his head. This was never a fun part of the job. "There are signs of lung cancer." Inko cried out, her legs collapsing below her. "We haven't confirmed this yet so we will have to do more tests. If your son does have cancer, we will discuss the options going forward."

"Can... Can I see him?" Inko brushed away her tears, begging the doctor to let her through.

"Yes. He's still asleep and should rest but you can for a bit." The doctor stepped aside, letting Inko have a clear shot for the door. "I wish I had better news for you."

Inko ignored his dismayed words, charging for her son. Izuku was asleep on the bed, a thin blanket pulled to his chin. If it hadn't been for the harsh smell of chemicals and the hospital gowns Izuku was wearing, Inko wouldn't have noticed anything different from when he was tucked into his bed. 

Her little boy! He wasn't even four yet. This wasn't fair. This wasn't fair!


"Hello there Izuku. I'm doctor Sharp. I'm going to be looking after you from now on. Do you know why you're here?" The kind doctor knelt in front of Izuku who held his All Might action figure close to his chest. 

"You're going to help me with my lungs."

"Yes, I am. Do you know what's wrong with your lungs?"

Izuku shrugged his shoulders. "Mummy said not to worry but I know she's worried. My lungs hurt a lot and I'm always coughing or short of breath. Sometimes I cough up blood but I hide this from mummy. I don't want her to be scared."

"Wow, that's very brave of you. Izuku, can you promise to never hide anything from me? I need to know everything if I'm going to help you." 

Izuku nodded shyly as Doctor Sharp smiled. 

"That's great. Now, I'm going to talk to my colleague over there and we're going to set up this machine to see inside your lungs." Doctor Sharp stood up, walking over to one of the nurses. Izuku didn't like coming to the hospital. Ever since Katsuki brought him here, they had been coming over and over. He didn't like it. 

Doctor Sharp told him what to do before he started the machine. The loud sounds made Izuku fidget but he knew not to move. He had to stay still for mummy. 


"It's as we predicted, Izuku has a form of Large Cell Lung Carcinoma." Doctor Sharp glanced at Inko who sat alone. Izuku played in the corner, happy to be moving after so long sitting still. "From our tests, it seems Izuku is quite far through the cancer."

Inko did not understand. "Is that good?"

"Sadly, no. Finding any disease early can help in the curing of the disease and reduce long term damage, as Izuku's is quite far though, this is less likely. Izuku's cancer is highly aggressive, we will need to treat it just as aggressively and we will need a lung."

Inko blinked. "A lung?"

Doctor Sharp brought out one of the many photos they currently have of Izuku's lungs. "The majority of Izuku's left lung has been destroyed by the cancer. If Izuku stands any chance of surviving, he'll need one to replace it before we start surgery on his other."

"You want to destroy his other lung too?!"

"Lungs are one of the many organs people can regrow parts of. Once Izuku has a working lung, we will try to remove the cancer from the other. Between these times, he'll be under other treatments as well. Chemo and radio to give him the best chance of survival."

"Will... will he be able to endure all that? He is so young."

"Actually, his age is going to help him. His body is healthy and will help him recover."

"If he survives."

Doctor Sharp nodded as Izuku was added to the transplant list. 


Yawning, Izuku curled up on the hospital bed. Everything hurts. His head spun, his throat scratched and dry, his eyes heavy. He just wanted to go to sleep. He just wanted to feel better already.


Doctor Sharp charged down the corridor. Other nurses and doctors were rushing about in the room, trying to bring the small boy back from the dead. Everything they were trying was failing. Standing back in defeat, the doctors shared a look. Doctor Sharp let out a shaky breath. Why did it have to be this one? The little one who tried so hard to fight and cared so deeply about everyone. 

"Izuku Midoriya. Time of death, 5:53 am on July the 15th. What a terrible birthday, huh?" Doctor Sharp pulled up the blanket, covering Izuku's dead body. 


Humming to himself, Akuma sketched absentmindedly. 

"Jigoku! Are you listening to me?!" Akuma's teacher-Takahara- slammed his hands on his desk, snapping Akuma out of his thoughts. He hissed as his pencil went array and dug into his thumb. Stupid thin skin. Sucking at the blood that started dripping out of his finger, Akuma suddenly got an idea. 

He let the blood drop on his drawing, the summoning circle being ruined slightly by the colour. He began to mutter under his breath. "Άκου την κλήση μου και υπάκουσέ με. Άκου την καρδιά μου και ακολούθησέ με. Άκου ψυχή μου και θα γίνουμε ένα. Έλα έξω, Iziamsu!"

Akuma jumped away as his desk caught on fire. The class rushed away as the fire grew and grew until it disappeared. 


Άκου την κλήση μου και υπάκουσέ με. Άκου την καρδιά μου και ακολούθησέ με. Άκου ψυχή μου και θα γίνουμε ένα. Έλα έξω, Iziamsu! 
Hear my call and obey me. Hear my heart and follow me. Hear my soul and we shall be one. Come forth, Iziamsu!

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