Chapter 18 - Free Again

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After a while of me and Daisy talking a couple of guy come in to take our blood pressure, other stuff like that to. Soon she gets into a conversation with someone on the other side of the glass. I wasn't really listening until they started talking to me.

"I'm doctor Jemma Simmons, but you can call me Jemma, you must be Y/N." Jemma says kindly with a kind smile.

"How are you doing? Physically and mentally, I mean." Jemma asks concerned and curious.

"I'm good thank you." I say returning the smile.

"Well that's good. Bobbi and Hunter will be back shortly." Jemma says walking away happily.

It had been a couple of minutes since Jemma had been in here and there was that layer of uncomfortable silent in the room.

"So... ,how are you liking it here?" Daisy asks trying to end the silence.

"Your cell are nicer than most, and trust me I know." I say, making Daisy laugh.

Before anyone could say anything anther person walked in the guy must be the 10th to walk in here.

"Hi, there I'm Fitz my brain isn't the best so don't mind that, I'm a rocket scientist by the way. He/Hi" Fitz says looking down at a tablet iPad thing. I just smile at his cuteness in response.

"I'm just here because I looked at the results on the test and well there are a bit weird so I just thought that it was my brain but it's not that there is something wrong with my brain there is something wrong with you tow." He says only looking up when he gets to the end of his very long senses.

I just stand in the cell thing shocked but Daisy took a very different approach and started shacking the light bulb above her, then braking it. Fitz ran out the room scared for his life. soon after would the stern person comes in the room, probable because of the noise of the glass braking.

"What happened in here?" They say sounding conserved.

"Nothing." Daisy says trying to act like she didn't cut her hands trying to pick up the broken glass but they don't look convinced. Before Daisy can answer Fitz comes running back in, still looking scared for life.

"Sorry it's my fault I was in there and you know how my brain isn't what it was." Fitz says trying to cover up for Daisy. Jemma then joins us in the room.

"But good news is Skye's DNA is the same so I'm sure Y/N's is to." Fitz led on with.

"Well that's good lets get them out then." Jemma says with the brightest smile I've seen it a year.

Once everyone had left and Fitz had gotten u out the cage things he pulls us aside.

"We need to keep this little super power a secret, OK." Fitz says whilst we just nod.

"Good now go see every one in the main room." Fitz says then walking away

I was in the common room sitting next to Bobbi and Hunter, wedged right in between them. Every one was talking about some guy. I quietly whisper to Bobbi 'Who is this guy?' She quietly whispered back 'A guy named Trip.'

I sit there for a minute tried soon my head falls onto Bobbi's shoulder but I didn't do anything because my eyes are so heavy that I fall asleep.

The Next Day

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed, but it was a conferrable bed. The door opens to Daisy witch makes me lean up in the bed.

"I thought that you would be a person who snored but I guess I was wrong." Daisy says sitting on the end of the bed laughing.

"What's happening?" I ask confused.

"Well, a lot. But there is some girl called Lady Sif here." Daisy says moving up the bed to lie next to me.

"So do you wont me to kill her?" I ask lying my head back onto the pillow.

"No! We just need to help her." Daisy says shocked by my question.

"With what?" I ask curiously.

"She's lost her memory so we have to help her with that because she was after some alien." Daisy says like that's an every day experience.

"How did I get here and where is here." I ask remembering I don't remember anything after I fell asleep on Bobbi.

"Well Bobbi cared you in here and this is my amazing room." She says proud of her room.

"Well we better go and help out then, plus you need some food." Daisy said getting off the bed walking off, whilst I try to catch up with her.

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Y/N - Red widowWhere stories live. Discover now