Chapter 23 - The frunral

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I had been on this train for hours but because of my book it didn't feel like that long. It was my stop so I got off the train I was about to start walking to the avengers compound when I heard someone say my name. I turned around to Yelena I run towards her raping my arms around her fir her to pick me up and spin me around.

"I've missed you." She tells me before letting go of me and taking my suitcase to a nice looking car.

"I missed you to Yelena, but why I am invited to a guys funeral that I met once?" I ask getting in the front passengers seat.

"Because I wanted to see you and its not like you never met him so here you are." Yelena replies driving away from the train station. The rest of the car journey was quite it took half an hour to get there, once we were there I saw a bunch of people standing outside on the grass looking extremely sad which makes sense since there friend just died.

We got the car and a very nice man took my bag and led me inside and upstairs to a bedroom.

"This will be your room." The man told me before leaving to do whatever in is he dose.

Once I was done putting everything away there was a knock at the door, I expected it to be Yelena but instead it was a brown haired woman with a jacket that looked like one Nat had.

"Hi I'm Wanda." She said leaning on the door way.

"I'm Lexie." I say back with a smile.

"Yeah, your Nat and Yelena's sister." She says still smiling.

"I'm a bit more than that but yeah I'm basically the sister of 2 avengers." I say back earnings a small giggle from her.

"Are you coming down to the funeral or are you going to stand there?" She asks which i laugh at so she leads me outside where everyone is standing.

I walk over to where Yelena is taking to someone I hadn't seen before, he looked young to be an avenger.

"Hi i'm Peter Parker." the person told me when i stand next to Yelena.

"I'm Y/N Black." I tell him.

"Um, this is my younger sister." Yelena said introducing us to each other.

"Cool- i mean sorry for your lose your sister was an amazing person." He says losing his track.

"Well it was nice meting you all i'm going to go now." He says before walking away.

"He seems... ok." I tell my sister

"Yeah well he mite not look it but hes spider-man." Yelena whispers to me so that she doesn't reveal his identity to any non avengers even though i'm not an avenger but i'm the exception 'cause who i'm i going to tell.

Soon a old man comes on the stage making everyone look at him.

"Hello im Happy but most of you know this but we're not her for me we're here to say good bye to the amazing Tony Stark." He said getting off the stage then music started playing.

Did you get enough love, my little dove
Why do you cry?
And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best
Though it never felt right
My little Versailles

The hospital asked should the body be cast
Before I say goodbye, my star in the sky
Such a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth
Do you find it all right, my dragonfly?

This is the end of the book bye hope you enjoyed



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