Chapter 14 - Sisters Sisters

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I follow the Jade girl, who I'm guessing isn't called Jade, keeping my distance so not to be seen. She go's into an alley 'cause that's not suspicious at all. I stand at the wall next to the alley, not to close to be caught, but not to close to be seen.

"So, do you think she will come willingly?" I hear someone  ask.

"I don't know, but from what I've seen that's the only way you will get her, she's strong." I hear the Jade girl tell them. I decide to walk into the alley, guns raised at both the Jade girl and who ever the other person is.

"OK, let's all came down, we're here to help, I'm Grant Ward and this is agent 33." The other person, who's name I learned was Grant said with his hands in the air.

I slowly lower my guns, whilst Grant and agent 33 lower there hands.

"I made a promise to your sister that I would show her, her family." Grant said walking closer to me.

"So you were jut going to kidnap me?" I question.

"No, I want you to come back to my ship where you're sister is." He says, trying to convince me to come with him.

"Ok then where is your ship?" I ask wanting to meet my blood family.

He smirks before walking off with agent 33 doing the same thing so I start following them. About five minutes later we get to a plane with its ramp down there continue walking up the ramp so I continue following them. Once we get to a brown haired woman Grant stops walking so I do the same.

"Skye this is your sister..." Grant starts bat releases that he don't know my name.

"Y/N." I say so he can continue.

"This is your sister Y/N and Y/N this is your sister Skye" Grant says before walking off to go do something bit I don't follow him I decide to sit next to Skye.

"So how are you?" I ask trying to start a conversation.

"You know we don't have to talk." She said in a mean way.

"You know I'm good at this, I have 7 other sisters." I say showing off a bit. She looks at me like I've gone mad when I tell her.

"I can name them all." I reassure her.

"Ok then, name them all." She says with a smug smile.

"Ok, Victoria, Isabelle, Hayley, Natalia, Yelena, Max, Clara and then you make 8." I tell her using my fingers to help count she just nods her head in responts. We sit in comfort silence till we get there just happy in each others presents.

Once we get to where ever Grant took us, Skye and Me are shown to a room with big double doors where are father is.

"It's now or never." I say opening one of the doors whilst the agent walks away.

Once I open the doors Skye and me are meet with a smiling man.

"Hello, Daisy, Y/N, I'm Cal, your father." The man says standing up whilst Skye, sorry, Daisy and I share a look.

"Hi." I say waving my hand.

"Hi. I don't know what you know about me." Cal starts waving back, trying to be as nice as possible, he seems really sweet.

"You're a monster. A murderer." Daisy interrupts him with.

"Well yes, but let's all keep our heads on." Cal says so calmly.

"You know I didn't forget my little girls were tacking from me I always looked for you tow, but that wasn't enough." Cal says getting a bit worked up.

"You tow were born in China." Cal starts when he's calmed down.

"Your mother was Chinese. When you tow were first born, which was years apart by the way, we were so happy. I worked in a clinic. People liked me. I liked myself. And I'm sorry for not being there but you need to stay here for a bit." Cal said ending his little story.

"You can't just say your sorry but not let us leave, that's crazy and creepy." Daisy said getting annoyed just like Cal, I see where she get's it from.

"Yes, well, I'm just trying to do what is best for the tow of you." Cal says as I just stand there, not knowing what to do but loving the drama.

"Your working for the bad guys, Whitehall. Which makes you a bad guy." Daisy shouts back but this time I interferer.

"Just because he's working with the bad guys, doesn't mean he is a bad guy, 'cause you don't know wants going on with him." I say, defend him.

Cal sat on the couch in the room, then me and Daisy and I sat either side of him.

"You want to about your mother?" Cal asks, looking between us. We both nod our heads in unison.

"Your mother was special, and I know that a lot of people use that word a lot to describe why they love someone or something. That's not what I mean. Your mother was special because she had a gift. She came from a long line of people who had or have gifts. You, tow, have that gift. And here you can receive it." Cal told us, rambling a bit.

"What happened to mom?" I ask, while Cal just stars at me blankly.

Sorry, I got my covid jab so now my mind is mush



880 words

Y/N - Red widowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora