Chapter 22 - The Post Man

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Dr Garner had been in here for a bit Daisy had been saying some jokes, so it's come to my attention that jokes are her coping mechanism.

"Y/N, do you have anything to say." Dr Garner asks since I hadn't been talking.

"Nope I'm just not listening." I just say truthfully.

"Yu know this is quite a hard thing to do you're lucky that you have each other." Dr Garner told us.

"Yeah, but she's not much of a people person." Daisy said laughing a bit at the end.

"I'm not a people person?" I ask surprised.

"Well when you want to be, like when you're on a mission but when you're not, I mean not so much." She explains.

"See this is healthy talk." Dr Garner says.

"Shush." I tell him.

Before anyone could say anything the girl I think is called May came running in the room.

"Cal is causing chaos so we need to there now." May said giving me no emotion to now anything about how she feels, witch sounds like me.

Once we had sorted out the plane May went to go fly the plane me and daisy just sat at a table with doc.

Once we landed we all stepped out ready to go. I loaded my gun then just before we were all in Cal site I pointed it at Daisy's head. Once Cal saw me his hole face dropped witch made everyone else look at me in shock.

"How could you? She trusted you." I hear one of Daisy's S.H.I.E.L.D. friends says shocked.

"Well, salt looks like sugar." I say calmly.

"OMG, your THE Red Widow!" I hear another agent say excitedly.

"The Red Widow is what I can do but the names Y/N Black." I tell them, Cal is still just stuck in pure shock.

"How could you even think about pulling that trigger." Cal says concerned for Daisy.

"It's pretty easy to shot with a gun, you know." I answer back.

"Do you even care" Coulson asks not knowing the plan.

"If I say yes, will I get some kind of bonus?" I answer trying not to laugh.

"Look Cal, all you need to do is leave and no one will get hurt." I tell him making him question if he should leave, which he should by the way. But before Cal could do anything some guy came but they didn't walk in they teleported? in. The person left with Cal though. As soon as Cal left I lowered my gun from Daisy's head.

A post man comes up to me handing me a letter,

"You're Y/N right." They said to me.

"Yeah, why?" I ask, but when I look up from the letter addressed to me the post man is gone, out of site. I decide to open the letter cause what can I lose form opening a letter.


You are invited to attend Tony Stark funeral on the 20th of June at the avengers compound. Hope you can make it.

Love the most

Your favorite sister

                                 Yelena xxx

I had gotten on a train to New York the day after the post man had given me the letter, it had taken a big of convincing to get them to let me go but I'm good at convincing.

Happy Sunday



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Y/N - Red widowWhere stories live. Discover now