Chapter 13 - Let's Kill Bird Man

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"Yeah. Yeah, well, so did the kick to the ribs." She said not even feeling bad for me.

"Oh, yeah. That was a good one. That was good form, but you did the really cool body throw." I say agreeing

"Yeah, thank you. Thank you." She said out of breath.

"Stop making me like you." She says sounding annoyed for some reason, it's not my fault I'm so loveable.

"I'm sorry I can't help it. That was really fun. Bey" I say also out of breath. I turn around placing down a hook and jumping out the window. I run down the side of the building down to level 12 where pops his head out. I start shooting but he puts the window down so none of them got though. Once I get to the ground I see Bird girl trying to convince herself to come down so I walk of.

I decide that whilst they tack care of the people in track suits I was going to get something to eat. I walk up to an ice cream van there wasn't any line so I could just go to the front.

"And what would you like doll?" The person in the van asked me.

"Could I have tow chorus please?" I ask because there are so good.

"Of course you can. With manners like that you could get anything or anyone, like the girl over there." He said pointing to someone in the distance. I look over to were the man was pointing and see the same girl who was the waitress at the café, I think her name was Jade. She must be here to look at the big Christmas tree and just remembered me.

Once the person is done I take the chorus then hand him some money but he doesn't tack it.

"Spend the money on yourself, merry Christmas." The person says with a big smile on there face which I return happily.

I sit on a bench eating my chorus whilst watching bird girl and bird man fight people in track suits.

Once I was done with my chorus I started to walk up to where Bird man was. Whilst he was distracted, shouting to some person, I run and jump at bird man pushing us both onto the ice. I quickly stand up whilst he stays lying on the ice.

"Before I kill you, I need to ask you one question Bird man." I say to him.

"It's nice to see you again Y/N, I see the nick name stuck." He says out of breath.

"I need to know what happened." I finish.

"Look, Y/N, if I told you what really happened, you'd never believe me. But you need to know is your sister sacrificed herself, for you to live a life. I'm sorry." He says sitting up

"You're lying." I tell him.

"What?" He says confused.

"You're pathetic" I say still out of breath form falling onto the ice.

"You're so pathetic" I say kicking him in the chest, making him fall back down. Then I get on the floor and we start kicking each other.

"Nobody killed her. She made a choice." He says, my hands on this shoulders and his hands on my shoulders.

"Stop lying!" I shout at him, before throwing him over me. Then we both getting up and I start punching him.

"You're not listening to me. She sacrificed herself,  understand? I couldn't stop her." He says with me in a head lock.

"No!" I shout back, getting out the head lock and throwing him to the ground.

"Why would she sacrifice herself for you? Why do you deserve it?" I ask, getting on my feet.

"I don't." He says not looking me in the eye.

"So she died because you let her?" I question him.

"No, she died so you could live, and I fought for it to be me, but she was stronger then I was." He says still not looking at me.

"Well, you should've fought harder." I say getting out one of my batons before I start hitting him with it.

I cach a glimpse of that girl Jade just staring at me, now twice is a coincidence but three. After I'm finished with bird man I'm going to follow her.

"Wait" he shouts but I ignore him and continue hitting him with my baton.

I then pull out my gun stepping closer to him about to pull the trigger, when Bird man whistles. Not just any whistle the special whistle, the one only me, Yelena, Natalia and Hayley knew, but I guess Bird man knows tow.

I start to lower my gun, letting out a little gasp.

"How do you know that?" I ask, with water in my eyes.

"Your secret whistle with Yelena, Natasha and Hayley." He started but I cut him off,

"It's Natalia, Natasha is American"

"Right, sorry.  She talked about you all the time, Y/N" He says sadly.

"She did?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah they both did." He answers.

"What did they say?" I ask.

"She told me about how you got separated as kids and you were only three. She was flying that plane. I asked her if she was scared. All she could think about is that you were safe. That never changed,  Y/N. She loved you more than life. And always wanted you safe." He tells me, which makes me start crying.

"You got so much time with her." I say sadly.

"She made her choice,  and that choice was to keep you safe." He says before I walk off to go find that Jade girl.

This one is early bc I'm going away for the weekend so can't post then



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