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Nandra corporation*

Amam was sitting in his office then all of a sudden Sonia entered in the office like a storm...

Aman: what happened sonia...why are you panting.

Aman said a little worried...Sonia sat on the couch and Aman walked towards her and give her a glass of water...she gulp it in one go and smiled widely...

Sonia: Aman SN (pvt) Ltd are ready to sign contract with us.

Aman: seriously....that is great.

Sonia: I can't believe...the 3rd most biggest company in the World are ready to sign contract with us...

Aman: I'm so Happy...We should start preparing for the meeting.

Sonia: oh're right.

Nandra House:

Dada: are you mad...In these Past 4 years so much happened and ypu didn't even bother to tell me.

Dada sad angrily...He sat on the couch and looked at Dadi with angry looks...

Dadi: See...I know I hided all this for you but He took promise from me to not tell anybody even you...I was caged by his promise.

Dada: Then what happened now...? Why you told me this now...? What happened to the promise you was caged by..?

Dadi: He called me.

Dada's eyes widen hearing dadi's word...he stood up and walked towards dadi...

Dada: What..? What you just said..?

Dadi looked at dada with innocent looks and said...

Dada: He called me yesterday.

Dada laugh humorlessly...

Dada: called you and you didn't even told me about that...brilliant. Do you have any idea what has he done..? With me with you with avu..Say. He left us alone...He didn't even think about coming back just for once...He didn't even took report if we both are alive or dead...He ran away andthe reason..? We don't even know the reason also because you were caged by his promise...You really dissapoint me.

Dadi looked at dada ji with teafy eyes and dada waLked out from tge room...she sat on the couch and start crying...

Flash back*

Dadi was sitting in the living room when she heard her phone ringing...she saw the caller ID and it was an unknown number...she answwer it and said...

Dadi: hello..!

Sm1: Dadi...

Dadi's recongnize his voice and said...

Dadi: Beta you...

Sm1: yea and guess what..?

Dadi: what..?

Sm1: I'm coming back to get what's mine.

Dadi: I'm waiting for you.

Sm1: and you can tell dada everything now.

Dadi: hmm...

Sm1: byee.

Dadi: byee.

Flash back ends*


John entered inside a room amd saw a man standing infront of a window and drinking coffee lost in his own thoughts...

John: Sir...your jet is ready.

Man: Good...John do remember this meeting is very important for us. Understand.

John: yes sir.

Man: good.

John: sir can I ask something.

Man nodded...

John: Sir the comapny which you're talking about is a very small company as comapre to ours...We can took over it very easily...then why this meeting is this much important to you..?

Man: Just because of that company I'm here standing infront of you in this position. I Siddharth nigam would never be this much successfull if that comaony didn't exist.

John nodded and walked out...

Sid:(in mind) I'm coming my love...just a litgle bit wait.

Nandra Mansion*

Avu was sitting in her room and reading book all of a sudden her parents entered in her room with a thud...

Avu: Mom Dad...what happened.?

Sonia: Avu I'm so happy today.

Avu chuckled seeing her Mom's happiness...

Avu: what happened..? What's the occasion.?

Aman: Princess the World's 3rd most biggest company SN (pvt) Ltd agreed to meet us.

Avu smiled widely seeing her parents...

Avu: congratulations.

Aman: now go and get ready...we are going out for dinner.

Sonia: I'm so happy.

Avu: okay okay...Wait for 5 mins...I'm coming.

Aman and Sonia nodded and  walked out from her room...

Avu quickly got ready and went downstairs...

Avu: let's go.

She sat inside the car and roll down the glass...she admire the stars lije she used to do with her love...

Avu:(in mind) How much time more Siddharth. Come back.


Sid walked towards his private jet and sat inside...

Soon the pkane take off and sid took out his phone from his pocket and saw Avu's pic...

Sid:(in mind) Just a little bit more love...I'm coming.

Hello guys...

Are you all excited for new chappu...

Be safe and stay tuned...


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