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Sid was sitting on the couch in his room and was  looking at avu's pic in his mobile...

Avu came and stand on the door seeing sid...

Sid: why are you doing like this avu...My love for you is real then why are you leaving me...plz don't do this. Stay with me.

Avu walked towards and sat beside him on the floor...she placed her head on his lap and said...

Avu: when I was 5 years old I got kidnapped...Some business rivals of my parents kidnapped me to blackmail them but my parents saved me but...I didn't knew that my lifes worst time has going to start after that incident...My parents forbidden me to go outside from the house...I was home schooled and when I turn 16 I was so happy coz I parents will allow me to go out coz of college but I was wrong...My parents permit me to college but with one condition...and the condition was to keep two bodyguards with me always...I felt like my parents are my enemy but they were also right on their place...When I turn 18 I decided to sneak out from my house just for one night and celebrate my birthday...I went to club with my friend...I met a boy in the club. I got a crush on him then we exchanged our cell number...after that  we started chatting and I got to know that he was my parents business rivals son...I told my dad that there is boy and he is my friend dad was happy but my Mom wasn't coz she thought that I will be in danger if I befriend with him...she told me to not talk to him again but I didn't listen to her...My mom was right. That boy was such a morron,asshole,motherfucker and what not....he told me to meet him and when I reached the meeting point he was there and he....tried to molest me but somehow I came out from there and ran to my house as fast as possible...I was traumatized after that incident. After that my parents never allowed me to make friends specially a boy. 

Tears were rolling down from her eyes and she wipe her tears from the back of her hand and stood up...

Her back was facing sid...he shifted his gaze on her and was feeling guilty....

Avu: you are the love of my life...if my parents did not agree then I will never marry anyone...I'm only yours.

Saying this avu went out from the room...

Sid:(in mind) I'm such an can I think that avu's love is not true...I should've think once before walking out from the kitchen without even giving her a chance to justify herself...She went through so much and I though she...ughhh I'm such an asshole...

Sid bang his hand on the wall in anger...he went to avu's room but she wasn't there...he went dowmstairs but she wasn't there also...sid went to terrace and saw her standing leaning on the railing...

He exhaled a deep breathe in relief....he walked towards her and stand beside her....

Sid: When you told me that you are going to leave...I was shocked and upset and I thought that your love for me is...(sigh) I'm sorry Avneet.

Avu looked at sid and smiled...she hugged him and snuggle into his chest....

Avu: It's okay and I'm sorry too.

Sid sniff her scent and sighed in relief...

Sid: I love you.

Avu: I love you more.

Hello guys...

I know I got very late but my exams are coming so...

I hope you guys like it.


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