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Avu was laying on the bed with blanket wrap around her whole body and was crying badly.

Avu:(in mind) why MOM is doing like this with me...don't she loves me...DAD always understands me supports me but why always MOM did this with me...I don't have any friend coz I did my schooling my college was in home. I never ever went to hamgout with my friends coz I don't have any. Whenver I went oit always two body guards came with me just for the fucking security reason...I'm not any princess or something that someone will kidnap me...I know self defense and I can protect myself but MOM is MOM always stubborn...I don't want to live my whole life in this house caged...I want to live me life like others do. I want to go far away from here.

Ad and Am entered inside avu's room and saw her crying...

Am sat beside her and caressed her hairs...

Am: Avneet...(softly)

Avu: go away MOM...

Am: how can I go away from my princess...

Avu sat on the bed and wiped her tears...

Avu: then why you are doing this with me..?

Saying this avu side hugged Am and said...

Avu: tell me..!

Am smiled and said...

Am: you know na Avneet...Your dad is a business man and some of our business rivals tried to attack on you when you were a kid...

Avu: I know mom but that time I was a kid but now I'm a big girl...

Am: I know my doll but you are always a kid for me and how can I let my kid set free in this cruel world.

Avu broke the hug and held am hand...

Avu: I'm not a kid now...I'm 21 years old...I know self defense also. I can take care of myself.

Ad: yess sonia...avneet is a very strong girl.

Avu: yesss I'm.

Am fold her arms to her chest and said...

Am: hmmm...

Avu: plzzz..!

Am: hmmm...

Ad: plzz sonia..!

Am smiled and said...

Am: all the restrictions are finish...

Avu's eyes widen and she squelled in happiness...

Avu: yayyy..! Now I can go anywhere I want...yayyy..!

Ad and Am smiked seeing avu this much happy...

Avu huhged am and kissed her cheek....

Avu: love you so much MOMMY.

Am: love you too my doll...

At night*

Avu Am and ad were having dinner peacefully...Ad's phone rang.

ad: Dad's call...

Avu: dada ji ki call...

Am: shh...! Avu behave.

Avu nodded and smiled speeshily.

Ad attended the call and after 5 mins hung up the call...

Ad: there is a good news for avu.

Avu: for me...

Ad nodded...

Avu: what..? (excitedly)

Ad: dad want avu to visit their place.

Am smiled and avu squelled in excitemnt...

Avu: yayyy..! I will go to dada and dadi house...yayyy.

Am: okay chill Avu and have dinner after that start packing your cloths okay.

Avu nodded and they all have their dinner.

Hello everyone...

Be safe and stay tuned.


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