Reunited* - B.B.

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Just read lol

Takes place before Civil War

The story is written in past tense lol.

And in the second pov, which I'm strangely good at writing, I'm not good at third person lol.

You had escaped Hydra 8 years ago, they're still looking for you, you should know, you were there. You escaped.

The best soldier they ever "created" is on the loose, and you could hurt anyone.

But in reality, you haven't hurt anyone at all, so it became really hard for them to track you.

The Avengers caught wind of those news 6 years ago, they knew you escaped, but they didn't try looking for you.

That's your theory, or maybe they forgot about you.

It had been 6 years since they knew you escaped.

But Hydra could never forget. Never.

Not about you.

4 years later The Winter Soldier escaped from Hydra too.

You knew him, or at least you think you did.

That's what's wrong with Hydra, erasing anything we remember, taking away every bit of spark we find from within.

You were on your own for a while, running, hiding, just to be away from Hydra.

Until you got to Bucharest, where you saw him buying plums.

You started to walk up to him, and then you stopped, only to remember that he might not remember you.

But you started walking again, and you were only 5 feet away from him when he turned around and looked at you.

He looked at you like he knew you from somewhere, and he came up to you.

He did know you, he used to train you.

"Do I know you?"

You stayed quiet, not saying a word as you looked him in the eyes.

You saw his face as he realized who you were.

He smiled softly.

"Come with me."

He started walking, but you stayed in the spot you were standing in.

He noticed that you weren't following and he stopped walking and turned around.

"Come on." He said gently.

You followed him back to his safe house.

He opened his door and you saw that it looked pretty normal, except for the little bed that he had made on the floor.

He set the plums down on the counter, taking one out and eating it.

He looked at you and he tossed a plum at you, which you caught in your right hand.

You inspected it for a second before you took a bite.

It tasted good.

"Are you going to talk now?" He asked simply.

You walked as you looked around, not responding to Bucky, still eating the plum.

You noticed a couple of floorboards out of place.

But you decided to not point it out, after all, it could've been intentional from Bucky.

"I haven't seen you in 4 years, and you won't even talk to me?"

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