Rumors* - T.W.H.

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Sort of an... after quarantine chapter.

Summary: You are famous (obvy why wouldn't you be you are a queen, here you dropped this 👑) and Tom Hiddleston were 'stuck' living with each other (😉) and the woman that's interviewing you and Tom asked you both a question that made you two look at each other for an answer, and eventually you just start looking for reasonable answers that may or may not be funny, or at least amusing lol :)

Y/n's pov

*At an interview*

"So y/n, what was that rumor about you and Tom Hiddleston getting stuck together during quarantine?"

I looked at Tom and he looked at me at the same time.

I looked back at her and I cleared my throat "Well, that's not a rumor, it shouldn't deserve to be a rumor."

"So it's true?" She asked, her eyes slightly lighting up.

"I didn't say that."

"That's what I thought you meant, sorry." She said, fiddling with her pen, clicking it and tapping it against the clipboard.

"I was just asking because there were sightings of you two together."

I smiled.

"We love to hang out with each other."

"The sightings of us together were merely just a coincidence," I nodded in agreement. "but we're being honest we weren't 'stuck' together." Tom said.

"How can the sightings be a coincidence if you two were holding hands in a couple photos?"

I tried so hard not to smile.

"Wait what? Do you have proof that it's me?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Would you mind showing me, if you don't mind me asking?"

"No no I don't mind."

She pulled out her phone and I looked at Tom and he was looking at me like 'Oh no.'

I gave him a little smile.

"Ah, found one."

She showed us a picture of Tom and I, and sure enough, we were holding hands.

"There are also pictures of you two linking arms."

"Y/n gets anxiety attacks very easily, and she doesn't like shoulder hugs, so I have to calm her down somehow."

"Why not just give her normal hugs?"

Tom shrugged.

"Oh and there's one picture of you two kissing."

"Platonically." I smirked softly.

Tom nodded in agreement.

"Really? But you two were kissing each other on the lips?"

I nodded softly.

"That's not true."

I giggled.

"How do you know?" I asked as a smile threatened to tug at my lips.

"What's your name?"


I smiled "Maria, those photos could be edited, as far as I'm concerned I don't think I've kissed Tom Hiddleston before."

She giggled.

"Concerned?" She asked.

I snickered.

"Okay, fine, let me rephrase," I cleared my throat "As far as I know, I haven't kissed him before."

She laughed as she covered her mouth with her hand.

I looked at Tom out of the corner of my eye and I saw him look at me too.

He chuckled softly.

She calmed down and she said "But in all seriousness, everyone wants to know the answer to the question: Are you two dating?"

I pretended to think about the answer.

"What do you want my answer to be?"

"The truth."

I looked at Tom again, he gave me a little smile and nod, telling me that I should tell her.

"You want the truth huh? Fine, here's the truth.." I paused to take a deep breath, my nerves wracking my body.

"Yes, we've been dating for about 3 years now."

"Oh like, since before the quarantine?"

"Yeah." I said as nerves wracked my body.

"That's gonna be a headline later." Tom said, repositioning himself on the chair.

"It sure is." I said softly.

"So the kiss wasn't platonic?"

"No, of course not." I giggled.

"I thought so, and so did many of your fans, one look at the photo and everyone went berserk."

I smiled widely as I giggled softly.

"I bet they did, I would too."

Tom chuckled and he smiled wide.

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