Just kiss me already* - S.R.

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I was sitting on the couch, reading my favorite book.

Steve walked in, a towel around his neck from taking a shower and drying his hair off as best he could with the now damp towel.

"Hey, Steve." I chirped as best I could, despite being very tired from the mission I came back from.

He smiled at me and then he sat down next to me. 

"Hey, Y/n, how are you feeling?" 

I smiled, looking up into his baby blue eyes, falling in love with him more than I already have.

Just kiss me already.

I didn't realize that I hadn't answered his question until he asked "Y/n? Are you okay?"

I want you to kiss me, Steve, please kiss me, just kiss me.

"I'm great, sorry, I was just thinking about something that happened during the mission." 

He smiled as he chuckled for a second.

"No, from what I know, the mission went exactly as it was supposed to, you were thinking about something else." His face got closer to mine. 

I gulped softly as I looked deeper into the icy blue abyss he calls his eyes. 

"Um, maybe something happened to me during the mission." 

His face got even closer. 

He's teasing me again, isn't he?

"No, nothing happened." 

We were making full eye contact, and his face was less than 3 inches away from mine. 

"How would you know?" I smirked, and his face got EVEN CLOSER, HOLY SHIT!

Our lips were about to touch when Tony walked in. (Ugh what a fucking tool, walking in on the important part.)

"Hey, you two, where is the lube? My suit keeps making rusty brake noises." 

I looked at Tony as I chuckled immaturely. 

"Suuuuurrrreeeeee, yeah okay, it should be in your garage if you're talking about your WD40." I giggled. 

Tony walked out and I looked at Steve.

"I don't think he was talking about WD40." He said quietly. 

I giggled. 

"Nope, he certainly wasn't." I looked at his lips. 

"What were we going to do if Tony didn't walk in?" I asked. 

He smirked softly. 

"I'm not sure."

I straddled his lap.  

"Just kiss me already."

"I'm tired of us circling each other like we're prey to an orca." 

He smirked, chuckling to himself.

I smashed my lips into his lips, and my hand went to his hair, messing up his perfect blonde hair. 

He pushed me onto the couch, pushing his tongue into my mouth and I moaned softly.

I was starting to pant when I pulled away.

"You better take me to your room, right now, Rogers."

He picked me up as if I didn't weigh a feather, taking me to his room, where he set me on his bed.

He went and closed his door before he came back to me. 

 I smiled as he kissed me deeply. 

*Two hours later*

We were cuddling naked on his bed. 

I sighed, smiling.

"I love you, Steve Rogers."

He smiled back, and he pressed his lips against my cheek. 

"I love you too, Y/n." 

Yeah uhh, here an almost smut. you're welcome.

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