Oh you poor thing (Preference)

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I don't remember if I've done this before but I'm gonna write it cuz it was requested.

You're a child, exiled from your own family.

And soon, after some walking, you find your new forever home.

Mentions: Child Abandonment(?)

There is no physical abuse. I will not write that. I refuse.

You are 6, the youngest of three children, all of them purely hate you.

Y/n's pov

I was running through the house, playing with my toy airplane that I had made out of paper.

When all of a sudden...


I had bumped into a desk, and my moms vase fell over onto the floor, where it shattered.


"Oh no." I said worriedly, running away from the crime I had done.

I hid underneath my bed, but then someone yanked me out from underneath my hiding spot.

It was my dad.

He made me stand up and he grabbed me by the shirt, pulling me back to the living room, to the crime I committed.

"What is that?" He asked angrily, and I started to cry.

"Mommy's vase."

"Why is it broken?!" He started to get even angrier at the sound of my cries.

"It was an accident, I didn't mean to."

He grumbled as he brought me to my room, he sat me down on my bed and said "Do not move."

I nodded, crying and he went to my closet, grabbing two backpacks, one new and one old and worn from all the years it went through, and then he went to my dresser, putting as much clothes as he could fit into the both of them.

I didn't have much, so they all fit into the bags.

He grabbed both of the backpacks with his left hand, and he came back over to me, grabbing me by the shirt.

He dragged me to the door, he opened it and he pushed me out the door, my dad saying "Never come back, you ruined this family."

His voice was filled with anger and frustration, and I was crying, because I knew that he was very mad at me.

He threw the bags beside me, and he said "Go find another family to disappoint."

He threw my only pair of shoes at me, they were old and worn, from my older sibling wearing them out.

He closed the door and he locked it, leaving me alone.

I sat there, crying for what seemed like hours, and I was knocking on the door, begging for him, or someone, to let me back in.

Then, nighttime came, and no one let me in, I was cold, shivering, crying, but mostly scared.

I fell asleep and when I woke up at sunrise, I kept my eyes closed, hoping what happened yesterday was a dream.

I opened my eyes, still shivering from the cold.

I looked at the door sadly, and I opened a backpack, grabbing a sweater, and I put it on, I grabbed a backpack and it put it on, carrying the other one in my hand.

I walked away from home, my feet dragging underneath me.

I walked until my feet started to hurt.

I sat down, softly crying as my stomach growled.

When my feet stopped hurting I got back up and I walked again, walking until the sun was setting.

I sat down, and my stomach growled.

I looked to my right, and I saw this big gate.

I got up and I grabbed my backpack and I ran to it, I looked up and I saw a camera.

I waved.

"Can you help me please?"

Natasha's pov

I sat down in front of the screen that was showing the live security camera footage.

I saw a little girl, waving, and then she said "Can you help me please?"

"Aww, she must be lost." I said.

I grabbed my jacket, and I put it on, heading outside.

I walked to the gate, and I saw her, she shivered from the cold.

I opened the gate and I let her in.

"Are you lost?" I asked, picking her up.

"No, my daddy pushed me out the door and he told me to never come back."

My heart broke.

"Well you won't have to worry about him anymore." I smiled as she held onto me tightly.

"Please don't make me go back."

I pat her back "I won't make you do anything."

I brought her inside and I wrapped her in a nice warm blanket.

She fell asleep on the couch.

*A couple hours later*

Steve walked into the room, and his eyes immediately looked at the couch, seeing the little girl that was sleeping there.

"Who's that?"

I sighed sadly.

"I don't know, she was at the gate a couple hours ago, she said her dad kicked her out, I've done some research on her and her parents live about an hour away from us! Steve she was kicked out, and she walked all the way over here!"

"That's horrible, she walked here?"

"It's 22 minutes by car Steve, it's 8 hours if you're walking, so yes." I looked at her.

"That poor thing has been walking for almost the whole day."

"Wow, that's sad, my parents wouldn't do that."

"We have to adopt her, I don't want her going back to that father."

Steve sighed through his nose.

"We have wanted a child for a few years now, didn't we?" I asked him. (I WILL FOREVER SHIP ROMANOGERS)

He nodded.

"Yes we have."

"And I can't bear children because of the Red Room, so can we please adopt her?"

"Alright fine."

*A couple years later*

"Happy birthday y/n!" I tried to shake her awake.

"It's wake-up time." Steve picked her up, carrying her to the living room.

She groaned sleepily "No, I don't want to."

"You turn 9 today, wakey wakey."

"Come on." Steve started tickling her, but she was tired so she didn't start laughing.

"Wake up y/n, wake up." I said.

She murmured in her sleepy state.


I smiled "Fine, I guess you don't get any cake."

She shook herself out of Steve's arms, and he almost dropped her.


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